Keep lords

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by greatred, Oct 24, 2003.

  1. greatred

    greatred Guest

    Does anyone know how it is possible for a keep lord to heal himself during combat? The scenario in question was a level 10 keep lord at 5% health, who slowly managed to build himself up to about 90% health by the time he killed our force. There was the named guard in the room at the time iirc. Has anyone noticed this behaviour before and can account for it? Also does disease counter it at all?
  2. Keep Lords have been able to heal themselves for ages now (not sure when it was introduced or it's always been the case). I believe disease helps but not 100% certain.
  3. etaew

    etaew Guest

    its possible to interupt him.. but timing is critical.. and hard to do :)
  4. jimmy_kell

    jimmy_kell Guest

    was this in bledmeer last night?
    i must admit, watching the lord beat 35 of you was quite surprising :)

    yay for upgraded keeps
  5. greatred

    greatred Guest

    Yeah it was. Like I said, we got him to 5% then his health started jumping upwards, while our groups slowly died to the lord and high level guard aggro. :(
  6. ilum

    ilum Guest

    I think that Lord was probably buffed...

    A lvl 10 lord cant beat 35 ppl unless he's buffed. And yes, keep Lord's tend to heal themselves when you cant get their health down fast enough.

    I've taken lvl 10 lords with 7 ppl, and not optimized group at all - but he will always heal himself a couple of times on the way down. I've never seen him be able to heal himself above 30% or something tho..
  7. jimmy_kell

    jimmy_kell Guest

    was no one left alive to buff him :)
  8. ilum

    ilum Guest

    Just buff him up, jump out of keep and hide somewhere.
  9. living

    living Guest

    yea buffed keep lords can be quite hard, the +con on mobs and all :>
  10. Fafnir

    Fafnir Guest

    Aye saw this happen in Beno a while back, you albs got thru the doors chased up, i got off 4 mjolnirs before the zerg took me out, then the lord took care rest of you while his hits went up, i had time to port back and run to the keep, was awesome to see. Cant wait for the new keep models.
  11. Twaize

    Twaize Guest

    Or the new siege weap models!
  12. Cozak

    Cozak Guest

    Aye the new siege weapons esecially the rams look great
  13. speshneeds

    speshneeds Guest

    anyone got links to the new siege stuffs?
  14. Aoln

    Aoln Guest

    I remember lvl10 keep with lord having prince items from df and buffs back in LOE :D
  15. corranhorn1

    corranhorn1 Guest

    Indeed, erasleigh didnt fall for a bloody long time when that was situation. At one point didnt they give him a legion dropped polearm no one needed as well?
  16. Aoln

    Aoln Guest

    yeah prince drop though ;)
  17. Juiliet

    Juiliet Guest

    Use amnesia or friar/paladin taunt, if its not resisted, it will always interupt, on a level 10 lord, it gets resisted more often than not though.
  18. Twaize

    Twaize Guest

    U can give a keep lord a weap if it is better then his own? COOL!
  19. ilum

    ilum Guest

    can you also give him a bow? will he drop the items when he die?
  20. Aoln

    Aoln Guest

    Yeah u can give him a bow (and you can give the other guards weapons and the archers bows too)
    but when they die they wont drop they disappear forever :(
  21. Balbor

    Balbor Guest

    do they only take this weapon if its better than there own?
  22. ilum

    ilum Guest

    So you can give him a sword+bow, and you wont negate the first by adding the second?
  23. Aoln

    Aoln Guest

    Not sure on that.
  24. [Oo]Escape

    [Oo]Escape Guest

    Guards will take instruments aswell, we had some stading about with drums once :D
  25. del_eneste

    del_eneste Guest

    Yeah the lord can heal himself :). Also before I gave the guards at a guild claimed kee a df polearm and some swords etc. :p
    Guards with glowy weaps 4tehwin \o/
    the keep lord had the molten magma sword thing from dartmoor :p
  26. Twaize

    Twaize Guest

    What abouts getting the weap back before the lord dies? Is that possible?
  27. old.Vae

    old.Vae Guest

    Nope weapons given to guards can't be reclaimed.
  28. old.Bubble

    old.Bubble Guest

    we had him with a glowing Polearm or something :)

    Was buffed by a buffbot in another keep :p

    best he did was 20 ppl


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