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Thread: Un hunter deluso

  1. #106
    Petty Officer 3rd Class angosha's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Continuo con la serie aneddoti e stranezze :

    (Le armi da assedio sono sgrave, non puoi nasconderti, ti colpiscono da lontano)

    [01:32:17] You hit the trebuchet for 650 damage!
    [01:32:17] You hit Twiggi for 425 (-21) damage!
    [01:32:27] Your palintone is now armed!
    [01:32:27] You fire the palintone!
    [01:32:27] You prepare the palintone for firing. (15.0s until armed)
    [01:32:32] You hit the trebuchet for 753 damage!
    [01:32:32] You hit Twiggi for 408 (-20) damage!
    [01:32:43] Your palintone is now armed!
    [01:32:43] You fire the palintone!
    [01:32:43] You prepare the palintone for firing. (15.0s until armed)
    [01:32:47] You hit the trebuchet for 801 damage!
    [01:32:47] You hit Twiggi for 408 (-20) damage!
    [01:32:58] Your palintone is now armed!
    [01:32:58] You fire the palintone!
    [01:32:58] You prepare the palintone for firing. (15.0s until armed)
    [01:33:03] You hit the trebuchet for 596 damage!
    [01:33:03] You hit Twiggi for 340 (-17) damage!
    [01:33:03] You just killed Twiggi!
    [01:33:03] Twiggi just died. Her corpse lies on the ground.
    [01:33:03] You get 1014 realm points!

    [02:27:55] You fire the ballista!
    [02:27:55] You prepare the ballista for firing. (10.0s until armed)
    [02:27:58] You hit Helbound for 191 (-4) damage!
    [02:27:58] You just killed Helbound!

    (Gli arcieri sono sgravi, fanno danni assurdi. Sottotitolo: Verdino testardo)

    [02:00:33] You shoot Teesri with your bow and hit for 1001 (-31) damage!
    [02:00:33] You just killed Teesri!

    [02:03:22] You shoot Teesri with your bow and hit for 946 (-29) damage!
    [02:03:22] You just killed Teesri!

    [02:05:54] You shoot Teesri with your bow and hit for 1058 (-37) damage!
    [02:05:54] You just killed Teesri!

    [02:10:52] You shoot Teesri with your bow and hit for 1049 (-32) damage!
    [02:10:52] You just killed Teesri!

    (Gli arcieri sono sgravi , ti pigliano da un milione di miglia)
    (Sottotitolo: trueshot for the rosik)

    [22:29:53] You shoot Awin with your bow and hit for 435 (-15) damage!
    [22:29:56] You prepare your shot (2s to fire, target out of range)
    [22:29:56] You will now automatically release your shot.
    [22:29:56] Lurikeen is too far away to keep facing!
    [22:29:57] You shoot Awin with your bow and hit for 389 (-12) damage!
    [22:29:57] You just killed Awin!
    [22:29:57] Awin just died. His corpse lies on the ground.
    [22:29:57] You get 806 realm points!

    [02:24:05] Syphor is too far away to attack!
    [02:24:06] You shoot Syphor with your bow and hit for 218 (+6) damage!
    [02:24:06] You just killed Syphor!

    [15:39:07] You will now automatically release your shot and reload.
    [15:39:08] Elf is too far away to keep facing!
    [15:39:09] You shoot Denimoth with your bow and hit for 464 (-102) damage!
    [15:39:09] You critical hit for an additional 102 damage!
    [15:39:09] You just killed Denimoth!
    [15:39:09] Denimoth just died. His corpse lies on the ground.
    [15:39:09] You get 770 realm points!

    [23:58:52] Glenar is too far away to attack!
    [23:58:54] You move and interrupt your shot!
    [23:58:56] You prepare your shot (2s to fire, target is in range) <---- trueshot
    [23:58:56] You will now automatically release your shot.
    [23:58:58] You are no longer hidden!
    [23:59:02] You shoot Glenar with your bow and hit for 529 (+44) damage!
    [23:59:02] You critical hit for an additional 63 damage!
    [23:59:02] You just killed Glenar!


    [01:28:05] Shoulda is attacking you and your shot is interrupted!
    [01:28:06] You are no longer facing your target.
    [01:28:09] Shoulda hits your hunter's protector for 138 damage.
    [01:28:09] Shoulda hits your hunter's protector for 91 damage.
    [01:28:11] You prepare your shot (3s to fire, target is in range)
    [01:28:11] Target not in view!
    [01:28:11] You can't see your target from here!
    [01:28:11] You can't see your target from here!
    [01:28:12] Shoulda hits your hunter's protector for 85 damage.
    [01:28:13] Your hunter's protector attacks Shoulda and hits for 46 (-12) damage!
    [01:28:14] You are ready to fire!
    [01:28:14] Shoulda hits your hunter's protector for 225 damage.
    [01:28:14] You can't see your target from here!
    [01:28:16] You can't see your target from here!
    [01:28:17] Shoulda hits your hunter's protector for 201 damage.
    [01:28:17] Your hunter's protector attacks Shoulda and hits for 40 (-11) damage!
    [01:28:19] You can't see your target from here!
    [01:28:20] You can't see your target from here!
    [01:28:21] Your hunter's protector attacks Shoulda and hits for 46 (-12) damage!
    [01:28:26] Your hunter's protector attacks Shoulda and hits for 35 (-9) damage!
    [01:28:30] Your hunter's protector attacks Shoulda and hits for 48 (-13) damage!
    [01:28:37] Shoulda hits your hunter's protector for 74 damage.
    [01:28:38] Your hunter's protector attacks Shoulda and hits for 39 (-10) damage!
    [01:28:38] You just killed Shoulda!


    [00:38:54] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:38:56] You shoot Krausen with your bow and hit for 297 (-84) damage!
    [00:38:56] You just killed Krausen!

    [23:50:47] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [23:50:47] Your arrow fully penetrates the bladeturn!
    [23:50:49] You shoot Airborne with your bow and hit for 396 (-21) damage!
    [23:50:49] You just killed Airborne!
    [23:50:49] Airborne just died. His corpse lies on the ground.

    [00:46:13] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:46:14] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 5)
    [00:46:15] You shoot Jaidyn with your bow and hit for 529 damage!
    [00:46:15] You just killed Jaidyn!

    [00:47:33] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:47:33] You shoot Cunjo with your bow and hit for 269 (-67) damage!
    [00:47:33] Your vision improves and your hand is even more steady than usual!
    [00:47:34] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 1)
    [00:47:35] You shoot Jaidyn with your bow and hit for 529 damage!
    [00:47:35] You just killed Jaidyn!

    [00:00:53] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 5)
    [00:00:54] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:00:54] Your arrow fully penetrates the bladeturn!
    [00:00:56] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 4)
    [00:00:57] You shoot Thorez with your bow and hit for 466 (-64) damage!
    [00:00:57] Your vision improves and your hand is even more steady than usual!
    [00:00:57] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:00:58] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 3)
    [00:01:00] You shoot Thorez with your bow and hit for 389 (-53) damage!

    [00:30:20] You prepare to unleash a volley of arrows!
    [00:30:20] You prepare to fire. (3s to fire)
    [00:30:23] You ground-target 446742,663449,6720
    [00:30:23] Your ground target is not visible!
    [00:30:23] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 6)
    [00:30:24] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:30:26] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 5)
    [00:30:26] You shoot Casenova with your bow and hit for 347 (-7) damage!
    [00:30:28] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:30:29] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 4)
    [00:30:30] You shoot Dotmaster with your bow and hit for 444 (-98) damage!
    [00:30:30] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:30:32] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 3)
    [00:30:32] You shoot Regulus with your bow and hit for 314 (-31) damage!
    [00:30:32] Your vision improves and your hand is even more steady than usual!
    [00:30:33] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:30:34] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 2)
    [00:30:34] You shoot Dotmaster with your bow and hit for 471 (-103) damage!
    [00:30:35] Your shot arcs into the sky!
    [00:30:37] You are ready to fire a volley shot! (Shots remaining: 1)
    [00:30:37] You shoot Kesiv with your bow and hit for 369 (-70) damage!
    [00:30:37] You critical hit for an additional 47 damage!
    Angosh - Celt ValeWalker - The BrotherHood - Merlin Hibernia
    Angosha - Norse Skald - Da Horde - Igraine Midgard
    Angoscia - Valkyn Huntress - Da Horde - Igraine Midgard
    Angoscia - Briton Infiltrator - Ceridwen Albion
    Rosaspina - Celt Warden - Vortigern Hibernia

  2. # ADS
    Consigliere per gli Acquisti

    Join Date
    21 Mar 2001
    Wayne2k1 HQ
    più di Shagaz

  3. #107
    Petty Officer 2nd Class Xanadas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    arco 5.3 ftw
    WoW EU
    Gahr Hunter Level 70 - Daggerspine DragonLance
    Nahas Mage Level 3x - Daggerspine DragonLance
    DAoC USA
    Qualalumpur Shaman Level 50 - Lancelot DragonLance
    Ammuth Hunter Level 50 - Lancelot DragoLance
    Wakiki Savage Level 50 - Igraine Indipendent
    DAoC ITA
    Ossoduro Granbuba Skald lvl 50 DragonLance

  4. #108
    Warrant Officer Virolo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quel ramo del lago di como...(opposto a quello di Duk)


    Quote Originally Posted by angosha
    Perchè non doveva ?

    [02:24:06] You just killed Syphor!
    [02:24:06] Syphor just died. His corpse lies on the ground.
    [02:24:06] You get 432 realm points!
    era inteso come: dopo aver usato 24651.3254 frecce finalmente muore... ma non paga
    Now on Caerleon cluster:
    Lodiso ViR - RR6L6 Warlock - Italian Job
    Himselfx ViR - RR3x Savage - Italian Job

    tornato al cazzeggio su gorthor destru...

  5. #109
    Petty Officer 3rd Class angosha's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Xanadas
    arco 5.3 ftw
    Si, sempre arco 5.3 100% nelle volley e quasi sempre altrove, a volte in rapid fire. A volte uso il fool, ma a 4.5 e con 210 di quickness self-buffato e >250 buffato non ha molto senso usare un 4.5.

    +9% speed mi pare, +6% damage e +6-8% range.
    + frecce di Mariasha che aumentano precisione e danno.

    Voglio un 5.8 !
    Last edited by angosha; 6th October 2004 at 15:59.
    Angosh - Celt ValeWalker - The BrotherHood - Merlin Hibernia
    Angosha - Norse Skald - Da Horde - Igraine Midgard
    Angoscia - Valkyn Huntress - Da Horde - Igraine Midgard
    Angoscia - Briton Infiltrator - Ceridwen Albion
    Rosaspina - Celt Warden - Vortigern Hibernia

  6. #110
    Petty Officer 3rd Class angosha's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Virolo
    era inteso come: dopo aver usato 24651.3254 frecce finalmente muore... ma non paga
    Ehehe, ma il primo zillione di frecce non erano dirette a lui....
    stavo cercando di levarmi la soddisfazione di ficcare una freccia oltre l'accidenti di scudo del reaver, ma engage+mago FTW....

    BTW Odino benedica i Mariasha e le loro frecce gratis
    Angosh - Celt ValeWalker - The BrotherHood - Merlin Hibernia
    Angosha - Norse Skald - Da Horde - Igraine Midgard
    Angoscia - Valkyn Huntress - Da Horde - Igraine Midgard
    Angoscia - Briton Infiltrator - Ceridwen Albion
    Rosaspina - Celt Warden - Vortigern Hibernia

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