Regal Nobility (level 25)  

Submitted by:Daumyr Twinblades
Start Zone: Snowdonia
Start Location:Snowdonia Fortress
Start NPC:Captain Rhodri
Related Quests:
  Entry Into Tomorrow
  Rebellion Accepted
  Path of the Renegade
  Regal Nobility (level 30)
  Traveler's Way -- Supply Run (version 1)
Min Level:25
Max Level:50
Grants XP:Yes
Grants Coin:Yes
(From 1 rating)
Related NPCs:
  Bwgan Hunter
  Sir Dillus
  Twr ap Alsig
  Wicked Cythraul
Last Updated:Thu Sep 14 21:18:57 2006
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Characters that were created after Patch Version 1.79 do not receive this Epic quest.

Once you hit 20 you head to the Snowdonia Border Keep to speak with Captain Rhodri

Captain Rhodri says, "_________, it is good to see you are still alive and have come in good health. I have been asked by Sir Bors to ensure this [matter] with the renegades is finished once and for all."

Captain Rhodri says, "Sir Bors would have the support of the locals within Barfog and this situation would be the best way to win their trust. Therefore your mission is to return the to renegade post and [dispatch] the outcasts."

Captain Rhodri says, "You must ensure that justice is delivered to both Dillus and his supporting officers. When this is complete, visit the local outpost there and talk to one named Twr ap Alsig. We have it on good authority that if you win his support the locals will follow. Take with you the Arawnite orders as proof of Sir Dillus' betrayal."

You have been given the Regal Nobility quest.
You receive Arawnite orders from Captain Rhodri!

[Step#1] Slay Sir Dillus and his renegade officers!

After killing Sir Dillus your journal moves on to step #2

[Step#2] Speak to Twr ap Alsig at the local outpost in Lyn Barfog. Mention Sir Bor's wish to lend them [support]. Also mention [Sir Dillus]' betryal!

Twr ap Alsig says, "Yes Inconnu? What do you want?"

Twr ap Alsig says, "Support you say? Why should we? Your kind has forever forgotten its way. The light of that Camelot has blinded you."

Twr ap Alsig says, "We know you have killed him! You have not won us with that! Do you have proof of anything that may keep us from killing you on the spot?"

(Hand Twr ap Alsig the scroll from Captain Rhodri)

Twr ap Alsig says, "Heavens! How can this be? I scarcely believe my eyes! I truly wish I could take your word on just this, yet I must be [certain] where your loyalties lay."

Twr ap Alsig says, "There roams about this land the undead cythraul. Should you destroy one of these and bring back its skull as proof, I will lend the support you seek." (Also has been known to send someone to go kill a Bwgan Hunter.)

[Step#3] Slay a cyhraul within Llyn Barfog!
(Cythraul can be found around loc=51921, 44182 also can be found at loc=36350, 53887)

[Step#4] Speak to Twr ap Alsig at the local outpost in Llyn Barfog.

Twr ap Alsig says, "I still seek proof of your deeds. Do you have something for me?"

(Hand Twr ap Alsig the Cythraul skull.)

You receive a Pain Threaded Cloak from Twr ap Alsig!

Twr ap Alsig says, "You have done well Inconnu! We shall support your cause and welcome you always. Please take this as a token of trust between our people."

You have finished the Regal Nobility quest.

  • Light Chain Tunic -- Mercenary
  • Spirit Threaded Cloak -- Cabalist
  • Vest of the Infamous Blade -- Infiltrator
  • Pain Threaded Cloak -- Necromancer
  • Tunic of Dark Suffering -- Reaver
  • Heretical Frenzy Choker -- Heretic

  • Rewards:
      Light Chain Tunic
      Spirit Threaded Cloak
      Vest of the Infamous Blade
      Tunic of Dark Suffering
      Pain Threaded Cloak
      Heretical Frenzy Choker

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    Heretic Reward
    # May 18 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
    11 posts
    Heretic reward:

    Heretical Frenzy Choker
    (Usable by: Heretic)
    Shield: 2 pts
    Constitution: 10 pts
    Piety: 10 pts
    Matter: 4%
    # Mar 18 2005 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
    2 posts
    I play a Reaver and was given the Regal Nobility quest. After killing Sir Dillus I spoke to Twr ap Alsig at the merchant house on the lake in Llyn Barfog. Be careful who comes with you because I was accompanied by a cleric who was killed quickly upon approaching the house. Inside,Twr ap Alsig told me to kill a cythraul which I found located directly south of the merchant house near loc 36350, 53887. They were roaming around all the large rocks.

    I received a Tunic of Dark Suffering for the Regal Nobility quest.
    Twr ap Alsig
    # Oct 26 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    where can i find Twr ap Alsig ?
    And how do i geto where ever this place is?

    Bwgan Hunter
    # Jul 05 2003 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
    2 posts
    Just finished this quest today. I found a couple of Bwgan hunters in a wooded area on the hill just above the Bwgan camp. Perhaps the hunters started spawning there after a patch or something, but I had no trouble finding them. Nice rewards all the way through.
    # Jun 15 2003 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
    Necro Reward
    # May 23 2003 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
    Pain Threaded Cloak:
    Painworking +1
    Power +2
    Dexterity +6
    # Jun 25 2002 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
    Errr, what is the Cabalist reward on this one? Or has any Cabalist that has made it this far severed their link with the rest of Albion?
    RE: Cabalist
    # Jun 25 2002 at 8:34 AM Rating: Default
    Ooops, just read it=) ::picks up a book and learns to read::
    The Bwgan Hunter...
    # Jun 24 2002 at 6:17 PM Rating: Default
    Stormbow here (Palomides server)...

    Same problem here that [Anonymous] bwgan hunter in sight. I'm going to go try to kill a cythraul and see if I get a skull instead.

    No wonder no one -in game- has any idea where the rat [fish poop] (bass turd) is...

    RE: The Bwgan Hunter...
    # Jun 25 2002 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
    Stormbow here again!

    I found the Bwgan Hunter! The location I found ,him at was: 24127,23671,2173 which is just east along the shoreline from the bwgan camp where you can find the bwgan fisherman and the bwgan named "Ifor". The bwgan Hunter was yellow to me at level 25 and an easy kill for this Merc. He seemed to be followed by 2 more bwgan hunters and a bwgan fisherman, but they didn't aggro when I attacked him with my bow to draw him away. Also, the 4 of them wandered east along the shoreline for about 10-15 seconds before returning from their "patrol", so if you don't see him right away at the location above, just wait for him near the stone sticking out of the ground just east of the bwgan camp (and look towards the lake to see him and his buddies coming).

    Good luck and happy hunting!

    Stormbow Shattersoul
    Palomides Server
    RE: The Bwgan Hunter...
    # Jun 30 2002 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
    Good directions I had no trouble finding the hunter, however when i tried to bow pull him 2 of his yellow buddies came with him.

    Iseult Server
    vest of infamous blade
    # Jun 20 2002 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
    the vest of the infamous blade thing, for infils, is real good, gives 4 to DW and some to dex, it looks like studded leather
    (*&%^(*&^ing bwgan hunter
    # May 24 2002 at 1:20 AM Rating: Default
    I have now killed so many bwgans that instead of telling fireside scary stories about ghosts they tell them about infiltrators. Why they felt the need to make a mid level quest require a mob so rare that you can hunt the placeholders exclusively for two nights in a row and not catch a glimpse of the farker is beyond me.
    # Apr 28 2002 at 6:43 PM Rating: Default
    Where is the cythraul and bwgan Locatet ?
    what's going on?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
    do i have to slay all the renegades?
    RE: what's going on?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
    No, you need only slay Dillus. I killed him, then was slain a split second later by his two guards, both blue to me at 25. I released, but had the letter required to finish the quest
    i had to kill a cythraul
    # Apr 01 2002 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
    rather than kill a bwgan hunter, i had to kill a cythraul and take the skull back to twr ap alsig.

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