Author Topic: Grand Summoner Help.
Halfneck  3892 posts
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Date Posted: 10/8/03 9:23am Subject: Grand Summoner Help.
Went to Marfach Caverns last night with 2 groups to kill Summoners. After killing a Summoner we decided to take on the Grand Summoner. Surprise! we did not know 2 named Mobs come to help. We killed 1 but the other, a 2 headed giant named Aelfgar, proceeded to throw party members up into the air. Needless to say it was not a success.

Just looking for some advice/tactics on killing the Grand Summoner. We are usually 2 Full Groups with a Tank/Warden type group-no focus pulls. Thanks for any help/feedback.


Hwerflas - Moonfire Spamming Druid
Halfneck - Dwarven Rifleman
Finnian/Nightshade - Seamas/Warden - Bricriu/Enchanter
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Prototype_Hib  58 posts
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Date Posted: 10/8/03 10:04am Subject: RE: Grand Summoner Help.
Best way and loot u can do is a fg or maybe less.

1 shield hero
1-2 bard
1 mana menty
1 druid
1 warden (must for tank pull pbt)

for the Grand Summoner , u got to de-pop it minions. firstly sent in a tank (disband from grp) , pull the GS and pop the 2 minions it summoned. Let the tank puller die and rez him later. Once both the minion merge into one giant 2headed mob (Aelfgar). Everyone can just stay back and wait for it to depop. It will take max 15min or maybe lesser.

Once it depoped , make sure the shield tank is ready to pull the GS. In a GS tank pull , the shield tank must alwiz have the aggro. The rest , go behind him and style him from there , who ever got aggro , run away from GS and let the shield hero taunt him back.When GS is on 50%-65% hp , he will then turn into a flyin demon with 100%hp. With demon form , his defence is lowered and much easier to hit.

With this method , it will take max 30min for GS to be dead.

Drops from GS will be mainly RA Stonesx4(MAX), and a uber RARE cloak with 48hits 10crush/slash/thrust hooded purple.

hope this help


Pyrotype - lvl 50 Celt Bard Iseult- RETIRED
Prototype -lvl51 Elf Ranger Iseult - RETIRED
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Halfneck  3892 posts
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Registered: Jun '03
Date Posted: 10/8/03 10:28am Subject: RE: Grand Summoner Help.


Hwerflas - Moonfire Spamming Druid
Halfneck - Dwarven Rifleman
Finnian/Nightshade - Seamas/Warden - Bricriu/Enchanter
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Gutte2  587 posts
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Date Posted: 10/8/03 12:53pm Subject: RE: Grand Summoner Help.
Try to get a second warden or a chanter with damage add buff with you damage add will decrease the time you need.


daoc iseult (retired)
wow deathwing (eu)
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MlfPlayerz03  125 posts
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Date Posted: 10/8/03 10:54pm Subject: RE: Grand Summoner Help.
Tryed to Focus him once .. 25pots into Fight he transforms to full hp and He starts hitting mad hard. We gave up cause his hp was slow movein. hope this helps =p Was me 50enc 43 bard bot 50reg druid 50 ment bot


__Gotmagic 50 chanter_____<mlf>
___ Bloodyroar 50 hero ___ < mfl > <-- << Brother quit so i play him now sometimes.>>
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