Author Topic: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
Vigz0r_Z  1650 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 3:19am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner


Vigzor Stupify -50 Enchanter- -Pellinor
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clerica  776 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 3:30am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
It a good idea but not on the merlin server. We cant take back a keep with 100 mids and 100 hibs porting in one keep and killing us. we have to release at cs and go back in team to try out something but just guess in how much time 1 keep can go down with 100 peoples trying to get in =p

Just go look how many keeps albs have right now on merlin... we tried for 2 days to take back keeps but we cant, peoples want to go sleep also but we are defending our relics at xcal because we cant do nothing else... we can quit xcal because if we quit, hibs gonna go knock at our relics doors

I really hate mythic right now because they dont give any news about this stupid thing or any way to defend against....

My idea would be to put only 1 summoner on the nearest keep of each realm pk , kinda for alb realm it would be beno for both mid and hib... right now hibs and mids are doing fiesta there



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Phlogiston  353 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 3:37am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
This summoner crap is the first thing that has ever made me think about cancelling my account. If it isn't fixed ASAP I'll just play on the PvE until SWG comes out.


I have a cunning plan
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calimond  12338 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 4:45am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
Best constructive feedback ever:

'Worst idea ever'


hello, you're wrong.
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finngon  1880 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 5:03am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
if you think the guard upgrade/corpse summoner is bad on rvr servers, try it on pvp.. IMPOSSIBLE to get a keep with defenders, since most guilds can field maybe 2-5 full groups, and that can be defended with maybe 1fg in a lvl10 keep indefinitely..


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Date Posted: 12/1/02 5:42am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
In my opinion.. it's yet another case of removal of tactics to appease the whiners. There is no collision in game, so you can't really form any kind of defensive perimeter around weaker members in combat. There are /stick and /face commands, so all the dancing and dodging the players do are now irrelevant to styling melee'rs. Now, protecting forces cannot even mount a defensive battle perimeter around keep sieges.

Can they be beaten? Well.. I've seen it happen.. but it was the worst slideshow I've seen in a long time... INCLUDING Relic raids. I'd suggest making summoners, if you MUST have them, either be only located in portal keeps, or add the -con penalty apply to anyone using them.

Tireur Rapaxis
Vae Victis, Hibernia,


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chaynal71  226 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 5:53am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
Why the cs is a good thing.
First of all let me say that camping the mfs with supperior numbers and, more importantly, supperior classes is not a tactic. It is simply taking advantage of in game mechanics. As albion is getting shafted hard across most servers something needs to be done and until our classes come into line with the other realms this is a good step to take. Change is a good thing and maybe the underpowered realms will now be able to take advantage of this back way into an enemy realm and get some relics to change hands. The recent changes to keeps and guard levels in the frontiers is insane. Simply taking a keep now, even with no defenders, has become an epic undertaking. For all those out there that think the status quo is good you better rethink that position. Eventually you will be camping the mfs and NOBODY will show up because the enemy is out doing something else more fun then getting stomped on day in and day out. Being able to hold all the relics is fine and all but when there is nobody left to try and take them what will you have then? A dead game with too many hours wasted and a cool little 20% bonus to whatever damage type. Yay, we just turned into eq, have fun. I for one think change is needed, the game is starting to stagnate, badly. Just think if the cs gets used by your enemy to take your relic and farm the crap out of you, someday you will be able to do it right back. On guin rvr is fun again, at least for the downtrodden albs. People are working together for a common goal, it's great to see an entire realm come out to defend a keep. If you think this is bad in any way you need to go back to playing doom 2 on god mode.

Chaynal lvl 50 Wizard of the Black Company


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Date Posted: 12/1/02 7:15am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
The Corpse Summoner patch is wrecking havoc on Tristan. My guild has completely given up on holding keeps and takign keeps. We are spending a TON of money on doors just and till unable to hold them. As soon as we try to retake keeps, Miguard suisides and instantly is inside the keeps.

While I think the corpse summoner is a decent idea, there needs to be a few changes made.

1. You Corpse Summoners only work in YOUR frontier. This would aid in defense of keeps, but reduce abuse by agressive realm.

2. The use of the Corpse Summoner should be a REALM ability. At 10 RVR points and 30 min timer like other abilities, it would majorly reduce the amount of people suiciding to get back to keeps.

If these two patches were installed, the corpse summoner would be a much more viable idea.

I would also be a reasonable idea to make the cost of using the corpse summoner the same as if someone released in con points. In time, people would be forced to seek a healer and pay. In the long run, I think these changes would make the patch better.


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ShatterStorm  1547 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 7:27am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
We mids love this feature on Galahad. It means we will NEVER be removed from Dun Crauchon.

But from a tactical standpoint, it sucks. The game's IQ factor just went thru the floor.

Why bother killing someone if they will just be right back to bug you 2 minutes later?


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Aurelianus-Gawaine  154 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 7:37am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
/Bump to Severis' post:

Put /transfercorpse on a timer. You can't transfer again until you are worth RPs to someone who will be killing you. I'm not sure the length of the timer, but 3-5 minutes is reasonable. Maybe the 2 can be sync'd

make /transfercorpse only work in say, Mt Collary zone, if that's where your summoner is. But if any and all who are in Emain need to get there, they at least need to suicide in Collary to get into the keep


My experience outside of Crauchan was just as Severis described: very large force of Hibs killing Albs, but receiving no RP's.

If the porting ceremony happens every 10 minutes, and the run from PK to Crauchan is 2-5 minutes (un opposed) perhaps a 5 minute timer on using the summoner would still make it efficient, but not overpowered. Also, if you use the summoner, your RP timer should be reset.


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Gwyddno  2209 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 7:50am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
I like the summoner concept, in terms of giving a way for one realm to mount an extended siege on another. With upgraded relic guards, this is a must for smaller realms to take relics from larger ones.

But currently, the summoner gives a bonus that's stronger than relic ownership. It was patched in with virtually no testing, so it's not surprising that there are some issues. Some possible fixes:

- no summoner in supply forts. Unending reinforcements + unending catapults/trebuchets + unending door repairs is a really overpowered combination.

- put the summoner outside the keep, with the gatekeeper. This means the realm holding the keep will have to fully control the keep in order to make use of it, rather than just having a couple of rezzers parked inside.

- only one summoner should be present in a frontier. Multiple summoners basically allows teleporting defence forces, which is far too powerful.

I'm looking forward to seeing some real multi-day campaigns to take and defend relics, but I really don't think they're going to happen unless the summoner is reduced in power. In the end, the relics still have to be more valuable than the summoner, otherwise nobody will try to take them. We've just witnessed a week on Guinevere in which exactly that happened - with Albion controlling Dun Crauchon and both Albion and Midgard taking other keeps, there was only one half-hearted relic attempt. All realms fielded larger forces around the summoner keeps than they typically bring out for relic attempts, thus confirming that the summoners were seen as more valuable.


Gwyddno Maolan - Warden, Guinevere - Serene Master of Pain
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Evennoen  193 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 7:56am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner

Mythic changed the rules on us in one quick patch. Relics suddenly have a great unforeseen disadvantage. It's a valid argument as to if a realm even wants the relics now; that's a far cry from a patch ago, when relics were essentially only a bonus.

I do believe a relam that owns more than their own relics should be easier to attack and harder to defend, but not at this cost. When people of a realm that holds others' relics starts to want to give back those relics because of the problems they cause -- something is out of whack.

The question seems to be now: do you want a 20% bonus or be able to defend your frontier. To me, that goes against the spirit of the game.


Granarc Culloc - A wonderful man, a wonderful leader, and a wonderful friend.
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Krul_  2452 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 8:00am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner - Date Edited: 12/1/02 8:01am (1 edits total) Edited By: Krul_
I was originally against this idea, but lately have been warming up to it.

An enemy keep in your realm now can be a real pain to disloge, but it has stirred up the pot a bit. There are a lot more smaller enemy groups roaming around for more rvr fun as a result.

On Guin not one relic has switched sides as a result of this change. Stress levels are higher--particulary for realms with more to lose; the call to action when one of our keeps is under siege has been remarkable.


O weep ye will, my dear by Atholl
Weep ye for your finest jewel
Weep ye for your John 'wa battl'd
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_NiteHawk_  79 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 9:04am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
The summoner is a great idea it just needs a bit of tweaking.

First off it definitely needs to con yellow to 50's. It needs to be able to be assassinated. A stealther group should be allowed to destroy it fast because more than likely they are going to be killed quickly and that's what they do no?


- Randomly position the corpse summoner within a keep. Keep it OUT of the protected areas obviously.

- If the summoner is killed after spawning it's time should be doubled since defenders will be numerous in the keep.

- Only allow 1 (or 2) transfers to occur before you are FORCED to report back to your realm. Or along the same line if you are killed after a /transfer you are forced to release to your realm.

- You lose a few points of con after being killed once you /transfer.

- Anyone transfered has rez sick timer doubled.

- Anyone transfered that gets killed gives RPs no matter their condition or time.

My two cents.


Volric (formerly Nitehawk)/Guinevere (Cancelled)
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Canaddar  1740 posts
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Date Posted: 12/1/02 9:17am Subject: RE: Official Thread: Corpse Summoner
Make the Corpse Summoner about the same difficulty as a lord that is in a level 5 lord and stick em outside the fort, next to the gatekeeper area. As he is now, he is not realistically killable. Also, make the fort defenders have to do some work to rez people in.

Or, put him out where you can rez from the walls (summoner outside)....but that opens up the rezzers to possible death from attackers.



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