Author Topic: BD focus AE snare
HunterKurre  897 posts
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Date Posted: 11/4/06 3:12am Subject: BD focus AE snare
Does this tihng even work as AE?
I know it works for singel target, but the llvl 49 supp 350 AE snare,does it work?

just tought if i could stop the enemy tank train with it.


Midgard player for over 6years, Account activated 2001,Dec 29th
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Bowzar  559 posts
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Date Posted: 11/4/06 2:31pm Subject: RE: BD focus AE snare
Yes it works but it will only continueously effect the target, the other people caught in the AoE can leave the radius via very slowly. but with a tank train it should hold them all together.


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skaggerak  443 posts
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Date Posted: 12/12/06 3:33am Subject: RE: BD focus AE snare

It can be quite effective in allowing your squishy/healer to break contact with enemy tank train. I have been able on a couple of occcasions to use it this way. In our set up open field my jon is interrupt the enemy i should be somewhwere in or near their backfield using pets insta LT and debuff to interrupt.


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