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Posts : 604

Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 07/29/05 1:07 PM

Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs

As we all know, the necromancer is a unique class as our pet is our 'combat avatar' and we, in shade form are unable to directly influence our environment (to a certain extent). Because of this unique situation, our pet is able to receive bonuses to its stats based on the gear that we are wearing, some at time of summon, some all of the time (will get into this shortly).


The only base stats that are important for a necro are Dexterity and Intelligence, a good suggestion for an Inconnu would be +10 Dex, +15 Int. Base Con, Qui, Str, etc do not effect the pet in any way, points placed there on creation do nothing, so if you are thinking of putting points into Con when you roll your new necro, don't, as it will gain you nothing. However, Dex will increase the shade's casting speed, and Int will increase the shade's power pool. Nothing else will affect you OR your pet.


Next up are buffs, if you have a bot, or group with a buff spec player, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The necro does not need any buffs other than acuity, dexterity, and dexterity/quickness. EVER. Buffs on the necro do not transfer to the pet. Once the pet is summoned, you can buff it with Con, Dex, Str, Base AF, Dex/Qui, and Str/Con.

The above buffs effect the pet in the following manner:
Str - increase melee damage
Con - increase absorb (Melee and Magic)
Dex - decrease pet casting time AND increase absorb (Melee)
Base AF - increase absorb (Melee)
Dex/Qui - decrease pet casting time AND increase absorb (Melee)
Str/Con - increase absorb (Melee and Magic)


Now for the fun part, stats derived from gear. When your pet is summoned, it's hit-points are determined by the amount of constitution and hitpoints that the necro has equipped at the instant the pet arrives. These are the only stats that transfer to pet on summoning. After the pet is summoned, it gains the benifits of +dex and resists from the gear that is worn. This situation has led many necros to start using a 'summoning suit' which allows them to cap their constitution and hit points before summoning pet, then after pet is up, they change back to the items that cap dexterity, intelligence, resists, and power pool.


A note on Realm Abilities. The 'Augmented Stat' RAs do not transfer to pet, however, the Toughness RA DOES transfer to pet, so if you are going for the toughest pet possible, this is the RA of choice.


With the release of Darkness Rising and with it Champion levels, I am under the impression that the hits gained from advancing your champion level also transfer to pet.

Posts : 290

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 07/29/05 2:18 PM
Would be a very useful sticky but imo make it a bit more concise first - more dot points instead of paragraphs etc.

Excalibur/Pryd - RR9 Theurgist, RR6 Minstrel, RR2 Blademaster

Posts : 69

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 08/02/05 12:14 PM
I was also under the impression that strength also increases the absorb of the pet as tested previously. In fact as far as I know, every buff adds to the abs of the pet except brain and spec af. If that's the case putting str buff on is a good thing.

Murdercow: 50 Slam Reaver | Cowrending: 50 SR Reaver
Cowfire: 50 S/S Pally | Cowfist: 50 2hand Pally
Necrocow: 50 DS Necro | Necrocoww: 50 Servant Necro
Cowsong: 50 20 slash/20 thrust Minstrel woot!

Posts : 634

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 08/05/05 3:43 AM
Good work, I like it. I hope it gets stickied!

Lamorak: Dinedar (Ranger), Nendarok (Warden), Lyndorion (Druid).
Percival: Dinedar (Scout), Nendarok (Necromancer), Lyndorion (Infiltrator), Maloran (Cleric).
Ector: Lyndor (Savage)

Camelot Donkey

Posts : 604

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 08/05/05 4:09 PM
Im not sure about the str adding to abs, i think ill do some testing on that this weekend.

I popped over to the necro forums on vn and asked this question, the info I initially posted is correct.

Here is some testing done by Talanara1 from vn:

Here's a simple test that illustrates this:

Base Str.........108......39...........64......50.9
Spec AF..........102......39...........64......51.8

Base AF..........103......33...........55......44.7
Base+Spec AF.....103......33...........55......44.9

Base+Spec Con....113......24...........39......31.9
Base+Spec Dex....106......24...........40......32.0

All Buffs*.......105......12...........21......16.2

heres a link to the post:

*(i belive that 'all buffs' are - base; af, dex, con - spec; dex/qui, str/con Tk.)

Posts : -133699977

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 08/14/05 8:40 AM
this needs a sticky

I did an @ post in the correct forum and was given an amazing post count. I was negative Leet until I posted again.

< Death Legion >Alb Tintagel < Lockdown > Mordred
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< xPIicit > Soldier Front

Posts : 1500

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 08/22/05 6:20 PM
^^what he said^^

~35 Cimmerian Bear Shaman
RP-PvP Cimmeria

Posts : -133699977

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 09/12/05 8:07 PM
^^^What I said^^^

I did an @ post in the correct forum and was given an amazing post count. I was negative Leet until I posted again.

< Death Legion >Alb Tintagel < Lockdown > Mordred
< Dread Naught >Mid Killibury < Dread Naught II > Alb Killibury
< xPIicit > Soldier Front

Posts : 1922

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 09/16/05 8:50 PM
/bumps this up, hope it makes sticky some day. it has to be the most common real necro question.

-Netchel of Dark Auspices, Albion Guinevere
(and a ton of alts)

Posts : 2

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 09/20/05 4:05 PM
A Must have if u have a necro. Now I can finish my Necro stuff.
Thanks for the Must have info

Posts : -133699977

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 09/20/05 7:31 PM
aye, gonna keep this one bumped as well as the orc encyclopedia

I did an @ post in the correct forum and was given an amazing post count. I was negative Leet until I posted again.

< Death Legion >Alb Tintagel < Lockdown > Mordred
< Dread Naught >Mid Killibury < Dread Naught II > Alb Killibury
< xPIicit > Soldier Front

Posts : 604

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 09/26/05 10:47 AM
Yay my 1st sticky :D

Posts : -133699977

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 09/29/05 5:56 PM
woot, sticky

I did an @ post in the correct forum and was given an amazing post count. I was negative Leet until I posted again.

< Death Legion >Alb Tintagel < Lockdown > Mordred
< Dread Naught >Mid Killibury < Dread Naught II > Alb Killibury
< xPIicit > Soldier Front

Posts : 518

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 10/18/05 12:47 AM
best post ever on necro forum.

Posts : 25

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 10/25/05 12:00 PM
OK, I guess I'll be the moron. Yu say several times that stats don't matter/don't transfer. But con and hit points do transfer at time of summoning, so putting points into con at creation would have benefit. Not saying I recommend it, but the way you state it is confusing imo.

Posts : 604

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 11/10/05 4:56 PM
You need to re-read the post more carefully. I clearly state, multiple times in fact, that the necromancers base stats (that is, the stats from creation) do not effect the pet. Only stats derived from gear worn will transfer to the pet.

Posts : 35

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 03/01/06 2:32 PM
ive heard piety improves spell damage as well... any fact to this?

Here I lay in the cold and dank, tried to exp but got ganked. Moved to Mordred; took a chance, tried to lvl but lost my...pants...

50 Cabalist
44 Simulapimp

Posts : 1796

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 05/28/06 1:51 AM
"Now for the fun part, stats derived from gear. When your pet is summoned, it's hit-points are determined by the amount of constitution and hitpoints that the necro has at the instant the pet arrives."

This is the statement that confused Bruw, and it confused me. It's not that clear, it's not that concise. This statement seems to be a contradition of what you did, yes multiple times, say about this.

I would assume that you were referring to the necros BASE con and total hitpoints impacting the pet. It's that whole "Amount of constitution and hitpoints that the NECRO has at the instant the pet arrives". Nothing mentioned here about it being the amount of BONUS con and BONUS hitpoints from gear.

Posts : 604

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 06/09/06 5:28 PM
It is the amount of hits and con derived from gear (but not buffs) which determines the hitpoints of the pet, at the instant of summoning.

Im sorry that I was not more clear on that.

I apologise for the delay in replying to this, but I have not been playing daoc for a while, just popped over here to see what was new.

Posts : 1728

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 07/04/06 5:10 PM
So spec AF does nothing to the pet?

Posts : 604

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 07/07/06 12:43 AM
That is correct, the only spec buffs that effect pet are str/con and dex/qui

Posts : 1728

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 07/07/06 5:29 AM
Damn, my cleric just fell of her pedestal as best gaheris bot for necro...

Posts : 604

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 07/07/06 1:15 PM
For a servant necro, cleric is still the best because of the heal proc, for sight I would personally go with a druid, as the haste buff does effect the pet.

Posts : 2

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 12/08/06 2:25 PM
Have been told a hundred ways to do the necro. From creation, to 50. Will the sticky be updated now that necro is getting some love? Would like to finish out my necro and not have to respec or armor her.
50 Sight, 20 Servant

Posts : 604

RE: Stat Transfer, Summoning Suits, and Buffs possible sticky? 12/19/06 10:51 AM
I have just come back to DAOC (as of yesterday).

So far, from what I have read, there will be no changes that really make any difference to this guide. Maybe I have not dug deep enough yet.

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