Author Topic: Necro realm abilities
Aalenox  1572 posts
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Date Posted: 1/9/05 11:00pm Subject: Necro realm abilities - Date Edited: 4/5/05 12:26am (2 edits total) Edited By: Aalenox
I've RA respeced my necro more times then I can count. Here are a couple of things that I have learned, as well as my personal opinions on some of the RAs.

--------------------Active Realm Abilities---------------------
Negative Malestorm: A nice RA because of its interrupt factor, but was wasted too often, and at low levels didnt do enough damage. The 15 min reset timer basically kills its effectiveness pvp, as well as its difficulty to accurately place it using a ground target.

Ichor of the Deep: Since it was fixed, ichor seems to have good utility. 500 radius AOE damage, as well as root, and the 10 min timer makes it viable to use. However, again at lower levels the damage / root duration isn't enough to justify the used realm points. I would not get this RA myself unless I put at least 2 points into it.

The Empty Mind: This is probably my favorite of RAs. Since necros lack access to Mastery of Concentration*, this is my counter to it. Most of the time, I can put my pet on passive, step a few paces away from the MoCd caster so my pet doesnt swing, and spam instant life tap through their MoC, dealing enough damage to either stay alive or slay the caster. I currently have empty mind at 2, but often run around with it level 3. If you plan on pvping much with your necro, I would say this RA is almost a must.

Raging Power: To me, this RA holds almost no utility. As a sight necro for PvP, there is rarely a time that I can not simply fac. pain and power tap once, returning anywhere from 100 to 270 power to me with one tap. For PvE, you can just put your pet on passive, wait for 10 seconds and use MCL, which has a 3 min reuse timer instead of the long reuse timer on raging power.

Mystical Crystal Lore: While it does have its uses for PvE purposes, I again find little use for it in PvP. Since the power return cap doesnt exist when nuking a player, one power tap is almost always > MCL1. I always found that I would prefer the realm points used other places when running PvP.

--------------------Passive Realm Abilities--------------------
Augmented Acuity: Aug acuity, in my opinion, is better for increasing power pool then eth bond. While it doesnt increase your power pool as much for the realm points spent, it has the added effect of increasing your damage.

Augmented Dexterity: I have put this in and out of my RA spec multiple times. While aug dex does not increase your pet's casting speed, it is noticeably increases the speed of instant life-tap, instant dot, and heal over time spells. It also has a definite noticeable decrease of the time it takes you to cast your pet. However, after running anything from aug dex 1 to aug dex 4, I finally decided it wasn't worth using.

Toughness: I have found this to be a good all around realm ability. Additional hits and absorb means higher survivability, regardless of your situation.

Wild Power / Mastery of Magery: Both of these realm abilities seem to be an almost must. They work great to compensate the lack of cast speed in the overall DPS you can output. I always put MoM above WP in priority, however. I have tried both ways, and have found that I prefer reliable damage increase to probable.

Mastery of Focus: I have found this realm ability extremely useful. The highest level power tap is only a level 44 spell. Mastery of focus will raise its effective spell level for resist purposes, allowing it to land more often both in PvP and in PvE. In addition, even with a low spec into painworking, the DoTs will still interrupt casters every tick. To make them land reliably, MoF is all but required.
*While necros have the ability to get MoC, multiple studies have shown its interruption to be a very high percentage, rendering it all but useless.

My current RA spec: Ichor 3, Empty Mind 2, Mastery of Magery 2, Wild Power 2, Augmented Acuity 1, Mastery of Focus 1

My last RA spec: Empty Mind 2, Mastery of Magery 4, Wild Power 3, Augmented Acuity 3, Mastery of Focus 1

And yes, I'm up late and extremely bored. The urge to write an essay on necro RAs hit me with such a force that I had no choice but to succumb to its will.


Xavokal RR 10 / Kalnox RR 6- Mordred (Shared)
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Vantage2  5500 posts
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Date Posted: 1/10/05 1:54am Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
Aug Dex 3, Aug Acuity 3, Master of Magery 4, Wild Power 4, Mastery of Focus 1, Long Wind 1, MCL 1 here.

I ditched MoC because of the actual use I got out of it.. Was rubbish.

2 way LOS requirement for "scream of the dead" > MOC btw.. even though I don't abuse that tongue


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Aalenox  1572 posts
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Date Posted: 1/10/05 8:09am Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities - Date Edited: 1/10/05 8:10am (1 edits total) Edited By: Aalenox

If I might ask - why did you decide to go with aug dex 3? My views / findings on it were in my post above.

Edit: By the way, if you found any of my info on ras to be wrong, let me know. These are all just observations from personal experiance, but I havent spent extensive time testing


Xavokal RR 10 / Kalnox RR 6- Mordred (Shared)
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Vantage2  5500 posts
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Date Posted: 1/11/05 2:30am Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
Because at RR8 I can afford to.


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Shotaa  1300 posts
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Date Posted: 1/11/05 12:34pm Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
MoM 5 WP 5 AA 5 yet? if not then ditch AD imo


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Vantage2  5500 posts
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Date Posted: 1/11/05 4:16pm Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
I was WP4 MOM3 until we lost both power relics over xmas. So i respecced MOM4 WP4 and dropped MOC1 + some points I had left over.

MoM5 and WP5 is next for me if I get bored.


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Aalenox  1572 posts
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Date Posted: 1/11/05 6:38pm Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
I do the same thing. Get bored and RA respec wink My record is like 4 times in one day


Xavokal RR 10 / Kalnox RR 6- Mordred (Shared)
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Kemetian  178 posts
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Date Posted: 1/12/05 6:40am Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
Hehe I have Mom3, WP4, Aug Acu 3, Toughness 2, Seren 1, but I dropped Neg Mael, but may get it later after I go at least tough3.

Was wondering does AOM work for us or even PD?

I think not, but have forgotten.


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Aalenox  1572 posts
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Date Posted: 1/12/05 8:29am Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
No. You dont even have the option to train in either AOM or PD


Xavokal RR 10 / Kalnox RR 6- Mordred (Shared)
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Gharikreborn  1626 posts
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Date Posted: 1/12/05 8:32am Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities - Date Edited: 1/12/05 8:33am (1 edits total) Edited By: Gharikreborn
We should 'Roshambo' mythic for use of AoM or PD mischief

edit: we go first!


Rival Gharik, Undead Rogue <RiF> Destromath
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Aalenox  1572 posts
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Date Posted: 1/12/05 10:24am Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
I definatly agree with access to AoM. Since I run with my green pet out, the only chance I have against a caster is to be buffed.

PD, on the other hand, I dont agree with quite as much. With self buffs, necros have more abs then any other caster, and once you get buffed, the necro's abs just becomes sick. Dont get me wrong, if they gave us access to PD, I would jump on it in a heartbeat, but I believe it would be overpowered and unbalance the class even more.


Xavokal RR 10 / Kalnox RR 6- Mordred (Shared)
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Gharikreborn  1626 posts
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Date Posted: 1/12/05 3:33pm Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities - Date Edited: 1/12/05 3:34pm (1 edits total) Edited By: Gharikreborn
Boo to bots!

edit: OFF TOPIC but one of the things i love about WoW is there is zero need for a bot, as there are only like 3 buffs spread between 3 classes on 30 min timers


Rival Gharik, Undead Rogue <RiF> Destromath
Gharikreborn, 7L8 Necromancer <Council of Light> Iseult
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Agroanidd  458 posts
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Date Posted: 1/13/05 12:44am Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
mythic took it away.. 'oh they dont need avoidence of magic it didnt help those who had it form 100% crits anyway' lol

i havent used empty mind, i have and deal enough damage to do exactly what you say as far as jumping in, MOC isnt a garonteeed non interupt.. You can interupt them spamming Instant LT, and having the pet swing at him melee hastened, i havent ran into a pbaoer without a DI3 bot that can kill me moced without an entire group behind him


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HargUK  823 posts
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Date Posted: 1/13/05 1:38pm Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
Currently sitting with Toughness IV, Wild Power III and Aug Acuity III.

Toying with dropping Toughness a bit and getting Ichor of Deep.


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Darkest_Elite  768 posts
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Date Posted: 1/13/05 2:45pm Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
I'm only RR2L9 and I currently have, NM1, MCL1, RP1, and Wild Pwr2. Next Im prolly gonna get MoM.


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HargUK  823 posts
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Date Posted: 1/13/05 3:05pm Subject: RE: Necro realm abilities
Decided to have a look at the realm ability calc.

So most likely going to try the spec of:
Aug Acuity II
Wild Power II
Master of Focus II
Ichor of Deep III


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