Author Topic: How does the abs bomber work in verd spec?
fateless2  310 posts
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Date Posted: 4/17/06 9:52pm Subject: How does the abs bomber work in verd spec? - Date Edited: 4/17/06 9:54pm (1 edits total) Edited By: fateless2
Just curious how it works. I was on my friends verd ani and I saw the spell and was wondering how much dmg this spell actually prevents? It says the value is 25 so does it block 25% of all dmg taken? or is it just 25 dmg off of every attack? Or Im probably just way off since im a noob to animists heh


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Elkad  3941 posts
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Date Posted: 4/18/06 12:09pm Subject: RE: How does the abs bomber work in verd spec?
It raises the abs of your armor by 25%. Exact same effect as caster self abs buff, just a different value.


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cyanmcleod  2457 posts
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Date Posted: 4/18/06 12:26pm Subject: RE: How does the abs bomber work in verd spec?
it ups ABS by 25% making you take 25% less dmg. sucks in pvp but its ownage in pve. cast it on a buffer chanter pet that is focus pulling something or whichever tank has aggro and healers will love you (and the tank for that matter). just an all around cool pve buff but it only last for like 20 seconds or so. i know on mordred is ownage to use with a necro so i would assume a chanter is about the same.


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Momolicious  1886 posts
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Date Posted: 4/18/06 1:30pm Subject: RE: How does the abs bomber work in verd spec?
I would assume in PVP its effects are the same as the ABS Debuff (Creeping Spec line).


Targets ABS = 27% (Scale)
ABS Buff = ABS (27) + 25% (6.75)
Total ABS = 33.75 (Plate is 34% right?)

In PVE on pets its effect is markedly increased as NPC (Pets) gain ABS from CON and STR/CON buffs. So the effect of a % based increase is much larger then the targets ABS is much larger (The inverse is true for the ABS debuff, it works best on hard mobs and terribly on players)

On the Verdant Pet its pretty much a waste of power unless the pet has CON and or STR/CON buffs.


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ilovesi1  1458 posts
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Date Posted: 4/18/06 1:32pm Subject: RE: How does the abs bomber work in verd spec? - Date Edited: 4/18/06 2:07pm (1 edits total) Edited By: ilovesi1
I think it is nice in pvp too. it stack with the long term absorb buff, so +34 total. Still lousy on a caster.
But goes a long way to boosting survivability of everyone else

61% on scale. A good way to understand what that means, is seeing scalars proc on a ranger/scout. You see how little melee damage they take when that is up?

edit-> to previous poster, the absorb buff doesn't work that way. Think more on the lines of battler or scalars.


WTF???? THere is no fire in weather!
I mist have missed that in foruth grade o_0
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Novarp  55 posts
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Date Posted: 4/18/06 2:07pm Subject: RE: How does the abs bomber work in verd spec?
Being the a verd spec animist in rvr i can say it does stack with armor, so 27% plus the 25 ontop, its not like the creeping debuff, which I wish the debuff actually removed 27 and not just 27% of what they have...but oh well, for the most part its not really worth it in rvr not so much that it only lasts 20 seconds but the fact that it takes a long time to cast it on everyone in a group plus time it takes to fly over to the target and other thing its just worth it. Only time I ever use it is when I see things like defending a tower or keep and I might spam a few shots in on the tower captain or my own shroom for pbaoeing but thats about it. Then again I don't rvr much cause verd doesn't get groups, just like my vw =/


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