Author Topic: Ani Interupts
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Registered: Dec '05
Date Posted: 1/15/06 4:08am Subject: Ani Interupts
Quick cuple of questions,

Do our single target or aoe roots interupt?
Do eather of them triger imunity timers when broken?
Does our aoe armor debuff interupt, and will it break root?



Remeber Its all in my head,
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Please dissregard above text, I dont know what i was thinking when i wrote that.
O wait now i remeber. 8 ^ }
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Dranzerk  6122 posts
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Date Posted: 1/15/06 9:58am Subject: RE: Ani Interupts
None interupt, as for imunity times not sure on that one really. I would guess no.


Heartspark | Bors (SOLD)
Animist RR12
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Date Posted: 1/15/06 1:31pm Subject: RE: Ani Interupts

Thats realy kinda lame, Im shure yall are already more then familer with this frustration so I will leave that rant out, But yeah that realy is kinda vary lame.
Will the TL report adress this? :} IMHO if they changed even one of the area spells to interupt that would be big steep in the right direction. One way or another I trust Rena will handle it just fine. :}
Still love the class, just wish mythic would take the time to adress the classes they already have instead of pumping out new bright and shiney expansions every 6 months. Seems they have been to concernd with what the player base 'demands'.
If they just sat down and fine tuned each class, each realm, keeping a strong realm/class
dynamic in mind. Something that was lost imho. If they put some hart and soul into it, and asuming they didnt make changes that compleatly redfined any class I think alot of long term, core gamers would be vary happy with the results... anyways... wow.. did i go Of topic any there.. maybie a little? whoops.
Thanks for the time and info. Many sorrys for any profoundly not smart word like stuff. it all Imho.


Beetriks 50 Ani Merlin


Remeber Its all in my head,
These are all just my curent points of view.
Like my mind, my opinions can, will, and do change.
Please dissregard above text, I dont know what i was thinking when i wrote that.
O wait now i remeber. 8 ^ }
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Date Posted: 1/15/06 2:04pm Subject: RE: Ani Interupts
Heyya Heartspark,

thanks for takein the time to respond. :}
Oddly enuff i have been watchen Heartspark for a lil while now, I play Beetriks an Animist on merlin. Saw you put some major hurt on more then a few albs. :}
Respect on your realm standings, all with out a guild to cary you. Vary Nice. Im in no way new to the game, But have only recently started takeing my animist out in Nf. I have some ideas on Animist tactis and grouping out in nf, stuff i havent seen done at all.. would be eager to hear your aproach as well, I can respect your No Guild choice, sometimes its just so much easyer to solo it. :} So no stress.
Thanks again for the time and info.



Remeber Its all in my head,
These are all just my curent points of view.
Like my mind, my opinions can, will, and do change.
Please dissregard above text, I dont know what i was thinking when i wrote that.
O wait now i remeber. 8 ^ }
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Rena_Lanford  16169 posts
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Date Posted: 1/15/06 2:58pm Subject: RE: Ani Interupts
"Will the TL report adress this?"

Its on there, see the report thread for a list of everything on there (the initial post is accurate to what i submitted).


~ Devon ~
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Dranzerk  6122 posts
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Date Posted: 1/15/06 7:13pm Subject: RE: Ani Interupts
Well my "no guild" is not really by choice, no active RvR guild on Bors in US time zones, im kinda waiting on to see if they do cross cluster guilds. My last guild kicked me out cause i would NOT pve, go figure. happy


Heartspark | Bors (SOLD)
Animist RR12
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Currently Playing: Tetris till Warhammer comes out grin
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Registered: Dec '05
Date Posted: 1/15/06 10:40pm Subject: RE: Ani Interupts
Found the TL report just after i posted. Of course. Thanks :}

And an Animist that wont PvE?!?!?!? What do you meen? I dont understand...
Like, what do you do? no pve... i just.. what? so like you never EVER kill mobs? but.. wait i see you only EVER Pve... not never.. NOW it makes sense...




Remeber Its all in my head,
These are all just my curent points of view.
Like my mind, my opinions can, will, and do change.
Please dissregard above text, I dont know what i was thinking when i wrote that.
O wait now i remeber. 8 ^ }
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