Author Topic: bomber Question
mortimier  129 posts
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Date Posted: 6/17/05 12:59pm Subject: bomber Question
I have noticed that when I am at max range to unload bombers and I do so, thinking ah ha, I got em! Then I notice no hit spam. It seems they dont hit the targets. I realize they can be outran, but half the time these guys don't even have speed going. My question is this. How far will a bomber follow a target?

I also notice that in some instances, they fire from me, but never actually hit the target, even if it is close. I specifically notice this in POC.

Anyone have any insight on this annoying attribute?


Mortimier-50-Champion Percival
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Ceribis  917 posts
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Date Posted: 6/17/05 1:35pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
I don't really know about this problem, I haven't had it. As for how far a bomber will travel though, it won't stop going after a target. However, they can be Crowd Controlled and do have a limited lifespan. So as long as they don't get CCed and their lifespan doesn't end there shouldn't be a reason why they don't hit. There are exceptions like the target going into a door or something, but they should hit regardless of your range.


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pre0912  1206 posts
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Date Posted: 6/17/05 1:47pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
They can be killed as well.


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mortimier  129 posts
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Date Posted: 6/17/05 2:35pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
Any idea how long their lifespan is?


Mortimier-50-Champion Percival
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Edissap  908 posts
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Date Posted: 6/17/05 2:40pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
1m i belive


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pre0912  1206 posts
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Date Posted: 6/17/05 4:18pm Subject: RE: bomber Question


Jolli 8L0 Druid <MLF> retired since toa
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Ceribis  917 posts
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Date Posted: 6/17/05 5:59pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
Yea, the DD bombers last 20 seconds. Each bomber lasts a different amount of time though. It'll say in the delve of the spell.


Keeghan BallanLosgainn ~Sylvan Emerald Ridere Animist
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mortimier  129 posts
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Date Posted: 6/17/05 10:29pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
OK, I jsut tested this on a ranger friend of mine. I bombed him 4 times. He had hastner and sprinted. He was out of my sight when the bombers caugh him (because of terain i couldnt see him). They caught him but did no damage. Anyone seen or tested this? Cause it kinda sucks


Mortimier-50-Champion Percival
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Ceribis  917 posts
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 8:09am Subject: RE: bomber Question
I don't think they could have caught up him. Any form of speed while sprinting will put you out of the range of the bombers without a question, it's done all the time to get away, heh. The only thing I could think of is that you aren't getting feedback from the bomber because you are out of range. Was he not hit at all or did you not see the damage spam? That's the first thing that came to mind, and it's making me want to look into it, but if you could provide more information it would help too, still seems a little vague to me (maybe it's just me, it's the morning for me still).


Keeghan BallanLosgainn ~Sylvan Emerald Ridere Animist
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mortimier  129 posts
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 9:21am Subject: RE: bomber Question
I challenged him to a duel, and he was about at max spell range, I fired off 2 bombers and he started sprinting + had hastner. I waited, and saw no spell feedback. I asked him if the bombers caught him. He said, "yes, but they didn't explode." We tried this a couple more times with the same results. Maybe it was a graphics glitch, but he said they caught him.


Mortimier-50-Champion Percival
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jumpman_1080  1690 posts
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 11:19am Subject: RE: bomber Question
they need a second to establish that they are in range, during that second if the person runs away fast enough they wont go off


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Rena_Lanford  16169 posts
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 11:39am Subject: RE: bomber Question
The bombers last 20 seconds, +duration does increase that ... as for them 'catching' him, yeah, they caught him on the clientside, but they didnt establish proper range to cast.

Ive requested that they up the cast range on the bombers just to avoid situations where they get kited indefinately (due to speed) or cannot hit a target because the center vs. the point of skin is too great (think your Cetus-esque mobs here). Hopefully thats one of the few things that does get changed, because it really takes away from bombers effectiveness.

On the otherhand, if your group has any form of AE speed running (be it chanter speed or bard speed) the speed will transfer to the bombers and those 'speed ehanced' bombers have a much easier time reaching their targets.

But yeah, bombers, like pets, can be kited ... if the target is sprinting, the bombers will fail to get in range when the range check is made (every 3 seconds I believe) to see if they are w/i range to cast [as the check is made, they are in range, but the target has now moved out of range so they fail]

An increase in either travel speed (which had been suggested as a solution while back and been not unanimously desired by the community or in the cast range (which would fix most of the hanging due to kiting problems) would be able to solve the issue.

I pushed for the latter this round, hopefully they do something with them though cause thats one of the more annoying things to see happen.


~ Devon ~
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mortimier  129 posts
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 2:17pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
Thanks for the insight. Just wondering. Are you looking to have the range of the bomber increased or the range of the spell?

let me clarify
I have to be x units from the target to cast (think its 1400?)
It would appear that in order for a bomber to "lock" it has to be that same amount of units.
Are you trying to get the unit from the bomber to the target increased? Or the units from the caster to the target?

I would think that if we could incresae the units from the bomber to the target by about 200-500 and leave the range from the caster to the target the same, all would be fine.

I have just noticed this happening too often and its frusterating...especially with the pathing issues from keeps or bridges.


Mortimier-50-Champion Percival
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Ceribis  917 posts
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 2:29pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
Casting range on the Bomber is 1500 like every other spell. What he is saying is that for the Bomber to cast the DD on the target (they work like theurg pets, they run after 1 target until they die) they need to be within a certain range of their target. What WM wants to do is increase the range that the bombers have to be to their target (if it's 100 units, maybe 200 units, make sense?)

However, I have a question. Do the bomber themselves have a casting time to do the DD or is it an instant cast spell? If it's not an instant then that should be able to take care of the problem as well (just not against the larger mobs) because as soon as the check is passed it would go off and wouldn't have the ability to go out of range. Just something that came to my head as I was reading this.


Keeghan BallanLosgainn ~Sylvan Emerald Ridere Animist
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jumpman_1080  1690 posts
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 2:34pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
i kind of like it when people try to run away, they are usually casters, and when they stop to cast it interupts them and they start running again


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Rena_Lanford  16169 posts
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Title: Mythic Team Lead
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Date Posted: 6/18/05 6:47pm Subject: RE: bomber Question
"Do the bomber themselves have a casting time to do the DD or is it an instant cast spell? "

The DD is instant, but the check to see if the bomber casts is made every 3 second server/client sync cycle (this is why people complain about the root on the bomber)

the server cannot realistically make checks every second or millisecond, but we are the only class that gets penalized by the check (whereas things like stealthers - where stealth detection is made on the same cycle - benefit from the check)

so the server has to gather the bombers loc, then the targets loc, then see if its in range -- when you sprint, it tends not to be because by the time the check happens, one or the other fell out of range.

I wanted the 'melee range-esque' cast range of the BOMBER (not our target range) to be slightly increased, as it shouldnt make any difference in terms of our abilities, but would make damage bombers cast on moving targets more reliable.


~ Devon ~
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