Author Topic: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
drakestone  3055 posts
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Date Posted: 6/6/05 11:02am Subject: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
I thought this was common practice.

Is it true or untrue about the ability to actually buff the pets and have it affect their ability to deliver damage?


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cliine  2422 posts
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Date Posted: 6/6/05 11:19am Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
the FNF or the ctrl pet?


Tristan (Hib)- Funggy ML10 Verd ani --> Smeggie RR8LX Bain
Cliine RR5L3 ML10 Bard --> Kobaldkiller 5 Druid
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drakestone  3055 posts
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Date Posted: 6/6/05 11:28am Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
Aye, my fault.

The FnF or literally any pet other than the controllable in either of the three spell lines.


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Entropy512  1202 posts
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Date Posted: 6/6/05 12:08pm Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
Dex buffs MIGHT make them cast faster, but anything else likely has no effect, since acuity buffs don't affect any pets in the game and that's what will affect FnF damage.

Theurgs have an advantage here - since their pets (esp. earth ones) are melee, str/con buffs work GREAT for them.


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BanzaiBard  2133 posts
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Date Posted: 6/6/05 12:39pm Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
I am pretty sure dex buffs do work for the shrooms.


Matric RR5 Bard/Akillerfungus RR4Animist
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cliine  2422 posts
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Date Posted: 6/6/05 12:46pm Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?


Tristan (Hib)- Funggy ML10 Verd ani --> Smeggie RR8LX Bain
Cliine RR5L3 ML10 Bard --> Kobaldkiller 5 Druid
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drakestone  3055 posts
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Date Posted: 6/6/05 12:59pm Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
Do mobs attack FnF turrents directly or are they seen purely as spells from the caster and all agro comes directly to the Ani?


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cliine  2422 posts
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Date Posted: 6/6/05 2:27pm Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
mobs attack them .. the only way i have kept from getting agro is to toss a few AOE taunts out there off main pet and get agro on him then let the FnF turrest eat them up


Tristan (Hib)- Funggy ML10 Verd ani --> Smeggie RR8LX Bain
Cliine RR5L3 ML10 Bard --> Kobaldkiller 5 Druid
"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious"
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Laseth  207 posts
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Date Posted: 6/7/05 11:10am Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
After wondering about this myself and doing some heavy testing I can honestly say I don't know, but I did save some money by switching to Geico


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haveneld  5495 posts
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Date Posted: 6/8/05 10:37am Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?




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Entropy512  1202 posts
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Date Posted: 6/9/05 10:21pm Subject: RE: AoE Buffs on Ani pets?
cliine - AoE taunts???

The verd controllable only has a single-target taunt, and I don't see any other taunts in the ani's spec lines.


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