Author Topic: poison
thatsabadkitty  480 posts
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Date Posted: 11/23/06 6:24pm Subject: poison - Date Edited: 11/23/06 6:25pm (1 edits total) Edited By: thatsabadkitty
do any poison's stack with eachother, or be applied twice to a target like a DoT or disease?


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Apple_Jacks  5648 posts
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Date Posted: 11/23/06 6:56pm Subject: RE: poison
dots are the only ones that stack. Disease, speed decrease, wepskill debuff wont stack ; however im not sure if they increase the timer or just are rejected..

but yes you can swap multiple poisens on someone..


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thatsabadkitty  480 posts
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Date Posted: 11/23/06 7:24pm Subject: RE: poison
they only stack once right?
as in a maximum of 2 dot poisons on a target at a time.


> fatil
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Apple_Jacks  5648 posts
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Date Posted: 11/23/06 9:07pm Subject: RE: poison
ive swapped up to 5 poisens onto one person before.. not sure if there is a limit


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leoithne  2327 posts
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Date Posted: 11/23/06 9:31pm Subject: RE: poison
You can stack dots of different damage type
For example lifebane doing body damage
Crafted weapon with dot proc doing matter damage
and one of the new LOTM blades that have heat dot procs
thats 3 dots all running concurently

You cannot however have two dots of the same damage type running concurently on a target
so if lifebane ticks 5 times for example
and you reapply on the 3rd tick it will overwrite the last two ticks of the lifebane with 5 new ticks


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Lasraik  14469 posts
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21848_Serenity: River Points
Date Posted: 11/23/06 10:38pm Subject: RE: poison
Two DoTs of the same damage type won't tick two at a time, no. But it will renew the timer and continue to tick on the target when you swap.


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Apple_Jacks  5648 posts
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Date Posted: 11/23/06 11:16pm Subject: RE: poison
wait las

so your saying

that if i run wepskill debuff mainhand and a dot in my offhand, and after my offhand hits, and I swap into my mainhand a prepoiz dot, that they will stack?


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Lasraik  14469 posts
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21848_Serenity: River Points
Date Posted: 11/24/06 8:28am Subject: RE: poison
The debuff and the DoT will, but when you swap to your prepoisoned DoT weapon the two DoTs will not stack. It will reset the times the DoT ticks on your target but you won't be hitting for double damage on the DoTs over and over.


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Angriest2.0  4954 posts
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Date Posted: 11/24/06 5:54pm Subject: RE: poison
if you swap out a new lifebane every round they dont stack ... but like he said they will renew. so its basically like having a damage add, lifebane style wink


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