Two Handed Damage vs Left Axe Damage

An analysis of data comparing Two Handed weapon damage to Left Axe weapon damage in Dark Age of Camelot

Peter Waterman 6/3/2003




This document is a combination of actual game data and mathematical formulas to show how Two Handed (2H) damage compares to Left Axe (LA) damage, designed to help members of the Berserker class choose which of the two options to equip, and to help others understand the differences between the two.


NOTE:Currently this document is only partially complete.I have a few hundred rounds of styled tests and am working on more, attempting to generate a larger, more accurate set of hit/miss ratios for certain kinds of styled damage.Unfortunately the hit-bonus varies from style to style so it�s very hard to grab a baseline for it.My initial tests show that using the Provoke style, the unspec�d block rate of the shaman remains the same, however the miss rate seems to decrease � for both mainhand and offhand!This seems relatively odd however, and I�m only comparing a sample size of 111 vs 90, so it will take me a few days to come up with decent sample sizes.I wanted to go ahead and show the unstyled data today though, to help discourage Berserkers from respec�ing out of LA and planning on going 2H thinking they�ll do �more damage.�-Pete


Background Data


All testing was done with two level 50 characters, using the /duel command.The character doing the damage tests was a Dwarf Berserker with all Realm Abilities stripped to prevent any test skewing.This Berserker was specialized with a base of 50 Hammer and 50 Left Axe, with bonuses totaling 50+8 Hammer and 50+4 Left Axe � these bonuses were the same with both 2H weapons and LA weapons wielded.The Berserker in question was buffed by a Shaman with yellow spec buffs, and hence had 306 Strength, 203 Quickness, and a Weapskill of 1630.


The weapons this Berserker used included the following:


Right Hand: Troll�s Fury Hammer �������� 16.2DPS4.0SPD100%QUA35%BON

Left Hand:�� Gazsi�s Axe ��� ������������������ 16.2DPS2.4SPD100%QUA35%BON

Two Hand:�� Troll�s Fist Great Hammer�� 16.2DPS5.3SPD100%QUA35%BON


The target was a buffed level 50 Shaman wearing a combination of 99%QUA/35%BON crafted armor and 100%QUA/35%BON drop/quest armor, with an Armor Factor of 635.This Shaman had 31% Crush resist and 25% Slash resist.


Unstyled Damage Caps � Math and Reality


There are a few formulas which are useful for extrapolating data from a few key points of game data.While these formulas do not necessarily reflect everything that happens in game, it does allow mathematical constructs to guess how abilities will perform in game.Some of these formulas critical to this discussion include the following:




Base Weapon Damage Cap:By analyzing an immense sample size of weapon damage caps, a very definite pattern has been found.This pattern indicates two things � the first is that weapons have a base damage cap equal to roughly three times of the weapon�s DPS (damage per second) multiplied by its SPD (speed), while the second is that the slower the listed SPD is on a weapon, the more potential DPS it gains due to an inherent bonus for slower speed weapons.This second bonus translates out to roughly .03% for each .1 listed SPD over 2.0 � so that a 3.0SPD weapon has a 3% damage bonus over a 2.0SPD weapon, for example.This formula can be summarized as follows:


Unstyled Cap = DPS * SPD * 3 * (1 + (SPD2) * .03)


Two Handed Specialization Progression:Similarly, large analysis has shown that two handed weapons gain a very specific bonus related to the weapon spec of the wielder.It should be noted that this bonus is only granted if the wielder can specialize in the weapon � if a unspec�d user wields a 2H weapon, that user will get no two-hand bonus.This progression starts with a base bonus damage of 10%, and proceeds with an additional .5% for each spec point in the weapon � both base spec points and spec points from items/realm ranks factor equally into this, and testing up through 67 weapon spec has shown the progression to be stable, theoretically through 70, the maximum possible.This formula can be summarized as follows:


2H Unstyled Cap =Unstyled Cap * (1 + (.1 + .005 * Spec))


Left Axe Specialization Progression:Analysis has also shown that Left Axe works in a similar way, although instead of granted a damage bonus, Left Axe actually gives the user a damage penalty.This penalty is the same for both weapons, and decreasing as the user spec�s the Left Axe ability.It starts by reducing both the mainhand and offhand damage to 62.5% of their original damage, and increases by .34% on each weapon for each point spent in Left Axe.This formula can be summarized as follows:


Left Axe Unstyled Cap = Unstyled Cap * (.625 + .0034 * Spec)


Please note that these formulas were tested extensively and shown to be mathematically correct prior to the formulation of this document.Also note that there is one �hitch� that makes these formulas complicated to perform without extensive game data � the listed values are not entirely accurate.Weapon stats in the game�s internal database generally go out to the thousandth decimal point, yet when they are printed in game they are actually truncated, not rounded.A very commonly known example of this are 16.1DPS weapons � which are actually 16.199DPS weapons, and hence although they appear to be .1DPS lower than a 16.200DPS weapon, they are actually only .001DPS lower.Unfortunately, this complication also applies to the listed SPD value of a weapon � thus the listed SPD of a weapon can vary by .099 from that shown.It is possible to get a slightly more accurate SPD based on the weapon�s damage cap, however.




The weapons tested for the purposes of this comparison have the following actual in-game damage caps, tested by hitting a 0AF target (in the case of the 2H weapon, this was done by an unspec�d character able to equip the weapon):


Troll�s Fury Hammer:��������������� 210

Gazsi�s Axe:����������� ������������������ 118

Troll�s Fist Great Hammer:������� 284


Please note that the logs showing these tests are available at the bottom of this page.


Using the formula listed above for finding unstyled damage caps of unspec�d weapons, we can use these damage caps to narrow down the weapon�s true SPD:


Troll�s Fury Hammer:��������������� 4.07 - 4.08 SPD

Gazsi�s Axe:����������� ������������������ 2.4 � 2.41 SPD

Troll�s Fist Great Hammer:������� 5.32 � 5.33 SPD


We can also determine, mathematically, what the damage caps for these weapons should be when wielded by the spec Left Axe and Two Handed user, and compare these to the reality in-game.


For the Left Axe user with 50+4 Left Axe, the damage cap when wielding both weapons should be 80.86% of the original damage cap:


Troll�s Fury Hammer:��������������� 1H: 210�������� Math:169.8Game:169

Gazsi�s Axe:����������� ������������������ 1H: 118�������� Math:95.4��� Game:�� 95


For the Hammer spec 2H user with 50+8 Hammer, the damage cap when wielding a 2H weapon should be 39% higher than the original damage cap:


Troll�s Fist Great Hammer:������� Unspec�d:284��� Math:394.76��� Game:395


Note that this does not match up exactly, however this is due to the fact that the game prints the unspec�d damage cap as 284, yet in reality the damage cap can be anywhere between 284.0 and 284.9.In this particular example, it�s most likely somewhere between 284.2 and 284.8, matching up to a weapon SPD between around 5.318 and 5.328.




The data for this tests matches up perfectly with previous data compiled in other tests, another point in the accuracy of these formulas.


The Nitty Gritty � Actual Damage Done, Reality and Math


While it�s impossible at this time for us as players to construct a completely accurate model to take into account everything that happens in game, it is possible for us to generate a series of results for a static scenario.The best possible way for this to be done is to actually use proven in-game data, and extrapolate with that.This generally comes down to a waste of time, however, since gathering enough data to construct an accurate mathematical model of a situation generally means enough data has been gathered to present the true data on that situation.


With that said, what follows is a detailed breakdown of a series of melee samples performed in-game.Please note that the data gathered from this is only accurate within the constraints where it�s been gathered � it is possible to extrapolate from this, but doing this should be done carefully.The stats of the players involved were displayed previously in this document.


Summary of Test Results, Unstyled:


Left Axe:


111 total swings performed for both weapons

19 mainhand misses

9 mainhand blocked

83 mainhand hits

21 offhand misses

3 offhand blocked

87 offhand hits


Mainhand Average Damage Per Hit:���� 116.37

Offhand Average Damage Per Hit:��������������� 63.95

Total Average Damage When Both Hit:�� 180.32


Mainhand Average Damage Per Swing:�� 87.01

Offhand Average Damage Per Swing:����� 50.13

Total Average Damage Per Swing:�������� 137.14


Mainhand Average % of Damage Cap:��� 68.86%

Offhand Average % of Damage Cap:����� 67.31%


Two Handed:


������� 90 total swings performed

������� 19 misses

������� 7 blocked

������� 64 hit


������� Average Damage Per Hit:������������ 266.45

������� Average Damage Per Swing:�������� 189.48


������� Average % of Damage Cap:��������� 67.46%


Determining and Comparing DPS:


The above tests show that a 5.3SPD 2H weapon will clearly outdamage a 4.0/2.4SPD Left Axe setup for each individual hit unstyled.Unfortunately, life is a bit more complicated than this, because while single large hits feel good, they aren�t a true measure of efficient damage � in an extreme example, one might be able to do 1000 damage every twenty seconds, which would look much better than doing 100 damage every second, yet the person doing 100 damage every second would have twice the sustained damage output of the person doing 1000 every twenty.


It�s possible to determine the effective speed of a weapon using the following formula:


Effective Speed = SPD * ( 1 ( Quickness 60 ) / 500) ) * ( 1 Haste%)


It�s fairly hard to determine true speed simply by looking at a chat.log, but it is possible with enough sample sizes to narrow this down enough to confirm what we may find using this formula.For the SPD of the weapons we will use a slightly higher level of granularity than that of the listed SPD, instead using the fastest of the possible speeds determined based on the weapon�s damage cap, as outlined above.


1H Hammer = 4.07 * ( 1 � ( 203 � 60 ) / 500 ) ) = 2.906

1H Axe = 2.40 * ( 1 � ( 203 � 60 ) / 500 ) ) = 1.714

2H Hammer = 5.32 * ( 1 � ( 203 � 60 ) / 500 ) ) = 3.734


Further, note that when wielding two weapons, any time both weapons swing, the swing speed is always averaged between the two.Thus, while all 2H swings will take place at the ~3.73SPD listed above, all Left Axe swings will actually take place at 2.31SPD.


Using these speeds to calculate the average damage per second done in the above testing is relatively simple � one only has to divide the damage done by the amount of time it took to do it, or the effective speed.


Left Axe:


Total Average Damage When Both Hit:�� 180.32

DPS When Both Hit:������������������������� 78.06


Total Average Damage Per Swing:�������� 137.14

DPS Average Per Swing:���������������������� 59.37


Two Handed:


������� Average Damage Per Hit:������������ 266.45

������� DPS Per Hit:������������������������������ 71.36


������� Average Damage Per Swing:�������� 189.48

������� DPS Per Swing:�������������������������� 50.74


Interpreting the Results:


There are a few key things to note in this dataset, which allow us to see how much of the particulars work in this example.These include the following:


-         The actual damage done against the target remained a near linear percentage of the maximal potential of any weapon wielded.Whether the weapon was capable of doing 95 damage at most, or 395 damage at most, it generally did between 67-68% of its maximum damage.This number is only accurate for this particular target and AF, and variance will exist as long as the sample size is low, however a few 5000+ hit logs would end up with exactly the same percentage of all weapons (narrowing down the 1.5% variance seen here).


-         The miss rates fluctuated between 17% and 21%.As mentioned above, this is definitely due to the small sample size, where fluctuations in the RNG have a much greater impact.


-         This test is too small, against an unspec�d shield user, to make determinations about blocking, however it�s interesting to note that the mainhand weapon, when using Left Axe, was blocked considerably more than the offhand weapon.This may have been simple streakiness in this small sample size, or it may be an indication that the penalty against dual wielding for shields is not applied to the primary weapon.Again, this test is too small for this conclusion however, just something interesting to note.


-         It�s also important to remember that the 5.3SPD weapon used for the 2H testing in this series of tests has an inherent speed bonus over the 4.0SPD 1H weapon, giving it an additional 3.9% damage bonus over the 1H weapon which is not due to being a 2H weapon, but due to simply being slow.This �free� bonus would not exist if the 2H weapon used was, for example, a 4.0SPD weapon.


Taking all this into account, we see that there is a base difference of 9.4% between the DPS of 50+4 Left Axe and 50+8 Hammer for this particular set of test data when all hits connect.


When misses and unspec�d small shield blocking are factored in, the difference increases to 17%.


Unstyled Conclusion:


Out of a sheer desire to let it out:LA pwnz 2H!!!!!!!*cough*


As one can see, in this particular data set, Left Axe did noticeably more unstyled damage than 2H, even factoring in miss rates (which should be linear) and block rates (which will be lower against LA).A separate test set against an opponent with extremely high shield spec would likely show an even larger discrepancy, while a test set against an opponent with very high parry might show a much smaller discrepancy (which will have a much greater impact in 1.62 in theory).


On the whole, there�s a very clear summary that, unstyled, Left Axe is a better choice than 2H in the end game.




Unedited logs of the testing done follow:


Left Axe Unstyled:


[00:32:38] The magic of the Troll's Fury Hammer flows through you.

[00:32:38] The magic of the Troll's Fury Hammer flows through you.

[00:32:38] You sheathe the Troll's Fist Great Hammer.Both hands are now free.

[00:32:38] Your Hammer skill has decreased.

[00:32:38] Your Crush resistance has decreased.

[00:32:38] Your Body resistance has decreased.

[00:32:38] You wield the Troll's Fury Hammer in your right hand.

[00:32:38] Your hits have increased.

[00:32:38] Your Hammer skill has increased.

[00:32:38] Your Body resistance increased.

[00:32:38] Your Energy resistance increased.

[00:32:38] You wield the Gazsi's Bearded Axe in your left hand.

[00:32:38] Your hits have increased.

[00:32:38] Your Cold resistance increased.

[00:32:38] Your Spirit resistance increased.

[00:32:42] @@You say, "LA unstyled"

[00:32:55] You stand up.

[00:32:56] You target [Weppen]

[00:32:56] You examine Weppen.He is a member of the Shaman class in your realm.

[00:32:57] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:32:57] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 80 (-36) damage!

[00:32:57] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 38 (-20) damage!

[00:33:00] You miss!

[00:33:00] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 47 (-26) damage!

[00:33:02] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 68 (-31) damage!

[00:33:02] You critical hit for an additional 24 damage!

[00:33:02] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:33:04] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:33:04] You miss!

[00:33:07] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 74 (-33) damage!

[00:33:07] You miss!

[00:33:09] You miss!

[00:33:09] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 48 (-26) damage!

[00:33:11] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 79 (-35) damage!

[00:33:11] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 42 (-23) damage!

[00:33:14] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 88 (-40) damage!

[00:33:14] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:33:14] Lashing energy ripples around you.

[00:33:16] You miss!

[00:33:16] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 41 (-22) damage!

[00:33:18] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 68 (-30) damage!

[00:33:18] You miss!

[00:33:21] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 80 (-36) damage!

[00:33:21] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 41 (-22) damage!

[00:33:23] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 74 (-33) damage!

[00:33:23] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 42 (-23) damage!

[00:33:25] You miss!

[00:33:25] You miss!

[00:33:28] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:33:28] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:33:29] Your energy field dissipates.

[00:33:30] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 87 (-39) damage!

[00:33:30] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 38 (-21) damage!

[00:33:32] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 68 (-30) damage!

[00:33:32] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 44 (-24) damage!

[00:33:35] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 76 (-34) damage!

[00:33:35] You miss!

[00:33:36] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:33:41] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:33:43] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:33:46] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:33:46] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:33:48] You stand up.

[00:33:48] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:33:48] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 71 (-32) damage!

[00:33:48] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 35 (-19) damage!

[00:33:50] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 68 (-31) damage!

[00:33:50] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 48 (-26) damage!

[00:33:53] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:33:53] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:33:53] You critical hit for an additional 17 damage!

[00:33:55] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 71 (-32) damage!

[00:33:55] You miss!

[00:33:57] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 84 (-38) damage!

[00:33:57] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 48 (-26) damage!

[00:33:59] You miss!

[00:33:59] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:34:02] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 93 (-42) damage!

[00:34:02] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:34:04] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 69 (-31) damage!

[00:34:04] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 41 (-22) damage!

[00:34:06] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 83 (-37) damage!

[00:34:06] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 49 (-26) damage!

[00:34:09] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 75 (-34) damage!

[00:34:09] You miss!

[00:34:11] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 79 (-35) damage!

[00:34:11] You miss!

[00:34:13] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 87 (-39) damage!

[00:34:13] You critical hit for an additional 21 damage!

[00:34:13] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 44 (-23) damage!

[00:34:15] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 76 (-34) damage!

[00:34:15] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 49 (-26) damage!

[00:34:18] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:34:23] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:34:24] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:34:24] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:34:49] You stand up.

[00:34:49] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:34:49] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 93 (-42) damage!

[00:34:49] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 41 (-22) damage!

[00:34:51] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 93 (-42) damage!

[00:34:51] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 49 (-26) damage!

[00:34:53] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 93 (-42) damage!

[00:34:53] You critical hit for an additional 14 damage!

[00:34:53] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 36 (-19) damage!

[00:34:55] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 72 (-32) damage!

[00:34:55] You critical hit for an additional 33 damage!

[00:34:56] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 45 (-24) damage!

[00:34:58] You miss!

[00:34:58] You miss!

[00:35:00] You miss!

[00:35:00] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:35:03] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 80 (-36) damage!

[00:35:03] You critical hit for an additional 28 damage!

[00:35:03] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:35:05] You miss!

[00:35:05] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 44 (-24) damage!

[00:35:07] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 70 (-31) damage!

[00:35:07] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 40 (-21) damage!

[00:35:10] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 90 (-40) damage!

[00:35:10] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 45 (-24) damage!

[00:35:12] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 86 (-39) damage!

[00:35:12] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:35:14] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 75 (-34) damage!

[00:35:14] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 43 (-23) damage!

[00:35:17] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:35:17] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:35:18] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:35:23] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:35:27] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:35:27] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:35:48] You stand up.

[00:35:48] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:35:48] You miss!

[00:35:48] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 42 (-23) damage!

[00:35:51] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 69 (-31) damage!

[00:35:51] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:35:53] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 85 (-38) damage!

[00:35:53] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 40 (-21) damage!

[00:35:55] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 93 (-42) damage!

[00:35:55] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 38 (-21) damage!

[00:35:57] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 74 (-33) damage!

[00:35:57] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 46 (-25) damage!

[00:36:00] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 71 (-32) damage!

[00:36:00] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:36:02] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 82 (-37) damage!

[00:36:02] You critical hit for an additional 37 damage!

[00:36:02] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 41 (-22) damage!

[00:36:04] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 93 (-42) damage!

[00:36:04] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 45 (-24) damage!

[00:36:04] Lashing energy ripples around you.

[00:36:07] You miss!

[00:36:07] You miss!

[00:36:09] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 69 (-31) damage!

[00:36:09] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:36:11] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 77 (-35) damage!

[00:36:11] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 49 (-26) damage!

[00:36:14] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 86 (-39) damage!

[00:36:14] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 46 (-25) damage!

[00:36:16] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:36:16] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 38 (-21) damage!

[00:36:17] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:36:20] Your energy field dissipates.

[00:36:23] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:36:25] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:36:29] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:36:29] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:36:32] You stand up.

[00:36:32] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:36:32] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 91 (-41) damage!

[00:36:32] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 40 (-22) damage!

[00:36:34] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:36:34] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:36:34] You critical hit for an additional 9 damage!

[00:36:36] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 70 (-31) damage!

[00:36:36] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:36:36] You critical hit for an additional 7 damage!

[00:36:39] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:36:39] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 41 (-22) damage!

[00:36:41] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 69 (-31) damage!

[00:36:41] You miss!

[00:36:43] You miss!

[00:36:44] You miss!

[00:36:46] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 79 (-36) damage!

[00:36:46] You miss!

[00:36:48] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 89 (-40) damage!

[00:36:48] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 49 (-26) damage!

[00:36:51] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 70 (-31) damage!

[00:36:51] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:36:53] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 88 (-40) damage!

[00:36:53] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 36 (-19) damage!

[00:36:55] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 71 (-32) damage!

[00:36:55] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:36:55] You critical hit for an additional 11 damage!

[00:36:58] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 92 (-42) damage!

[00:36:58] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:37:00] You miss!

[00:37:00] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 42 (-23) damage!

[00:37:02] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 84 (-38) damage!

[00:37:02] You miss!

[00:37:04] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 90 (-40) damage!

[00:37:04] You miss!

[00:37:07] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 85 (-38) damage!

[00:37:07] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 41 (-22) damage!

[00:37:08] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:37:13] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:37:15] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:37:15] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:37:54] You stand up.

[00:37:54] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:37:54] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 84 (-38) damage!

[00:37:54] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 47 (-25) damage!

[00:37:56] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 85 (-38) damage!

[00:37:56] You miss!

[00:37:59] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 68 (-31) damage!

[00:37:59] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:38:01] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 83 (-37) damage!

[00:38:01] You miss!

[00:38:04] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 78 (-35) damage!

[00:38:04] You critical hit for an additional 27 damage!

[00:38:04] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:38:06] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 83 (-37) damage!

[00:38:06] You critical hit for an additional 9 damage!

[00:38:06] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 40 (-22) damage!

[00:38:08] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 85 (-38) damage!

[00:38:08] You critical hit for an additional 17 damage!

[00:38:08] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 44 (-24) damage!

[00:38:11] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 87 (-39) damage!

[00:38:11] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 36 (-20) damage!

[00:38:13] You miss!

[00:38:13] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:38:15] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 85 (-38) damage!

[00:38:15] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 44 (-24) damage!

[00:38:18] You miss!

[00:38:18] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 40 (-22) damage!

[00:38:20] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 84 (-38) damage!

[00:38:20] You critical hit for an additional 10 damage!

[00:38:20] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 49 (-26) damage!

[00:38:22] You miss!

[00:38:22] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:38:24] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:38:29] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:38:31] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:38:34] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:38:34] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:38:34] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:38:36] You stand up.

[00:38:36] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:38:36] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 71 (-32) damage!

[00:38:36] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 44 (-23) damage!

[00:38:39] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 69 (-31) damage!

[00:38:39] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 45 (-24) damage!

[00:38:41] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 73 (-33) damage!

[00:38:41] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 38 (-20) damage!

[00:38:41] You critical hit for an additional 12 damage!

[00:38:43] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 91 (-41) damage!

[00:38:43] You miss!

[00:38:46] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:38:46] You miss!

[00:38:48] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:38:48] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 38 (-20) damage!

[00:38:50] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 83 (-37) damage!

[00:38:50] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 43 (-23) damage!

[00:38:50] You critical hit for an additional 7 damage!

[00:38:53] You miss!

[00:38:53] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 49 (-26) damage!

[00:38:55] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 73 (-33) damage!

[00:38:55] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 43 (-23) damage!

[00:38:57] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 85 (-38) damage!

[00:38:57] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:39:00] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 94 (-42) damage!

[00:39:00] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 48 (-26) damage!

[00:39:02] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 80 (-36) damage!

[00:39:02] You miss!

[00:39:04] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 90 (-40) damage!

[00:39:04] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 47 (-25) damage!

[00:39:07] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 72 (-32) damage!

[00:39:07] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 35 (-19) damage!

[00:39:08] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:39:13] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:39:16] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:39:18] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:39:18] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:39:19] You stand up.

[00:39:19] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:39:19] You miss!

[00:39:19] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 46 (-25) damage!

[00:39:21] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 72 (-32) damage!

[00:39:21] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:39:23] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 89 (-40) damage!

[00:39:23] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 46 (-25) damage!

[00:39:26] You miss!

[00:39:26] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 41 (-22) damage!

[00:39:28] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 73 (-33) damage!

[00:39:28] You miss!

[00:39:31] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 77 (-34) damage!

[00:39:31] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 36 (-20) damage!

[00:39:33] You miss!

[00:39:33] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:39:35] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 72 (-32) damage!

[00:39:35] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 43 (-23) damage!

[00:39:35] You critical hit for an additional 9 damage!

[00:39:38] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 90 (-41) damage!

[00:39:38] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 46 (-25) damage!

[00:39:40] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 94 (-42) damage!

[00:39:40] You critical hit for an additional 14 damage!

[00:39:40] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 37 (-20) damage!

[00:39:42] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 88 (-40) damage!

[00:39:42] You critical hit for an additional 20 damage!

[00:39:42] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 39 (-21) damage!

[00:39:45] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 80 (-36) damage!

[00:39:45] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 40 (-22) damage!

[00:39:46] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:39:51] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:39:53] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:39:53] Weppen starts healing faster.


Two Handed Unstyled:


*** Chat Log Opened: Tue Jun 03 00:22:53 2003


[00:22:54] You stand up.

[00:22:58] @@You say, "2H unstyled"

[00:23:02] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:23:02] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 203 (-91) damage!

[00:23:06] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 162 (-73) damage!

[00:23:10] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 213 (-96) damage!

[00:23:14] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 177 (-80) damage!

[00:23:17] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 180 (-81) damage!

[00:23:21] You miss!

[00:23:25] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 160 (-72) damage!

[00:23:29] You miss!

[00:23:32] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 183 (-82) damage!

[00:23:36] You miss!

[00:23:37] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:23:45] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:23:47] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:23:47] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:24:10] You stand up.

[00:24:10] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:24:10] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 179 (-80) damage!

[00:24:14] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 193 (-87) damage!

[00:24:18] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 167 (-75) damage!

[00:24:22] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 185 (-83) damage!

[00:24:25] You miss!

[00:24:29] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 161 (-72) damage!

[00:24:33] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 173 (-78) damage!

[00:24:36] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 206 (-93) damage!

[00:24:40] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 194 (-87) damage!

[00:24:42] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:24:48] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:24:51] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:24:51] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:25:19] You stand up.

[00:25:24] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:25:24] You miss!

[00:25:28] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 175 (-79) damage!

[00:25:32] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 197 (-89) damage!

[00:25:35] You miss!

[00:25:39] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 214 (-96) damage!

[00:25:43] You miss!

[00:25:47] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 196 (-88) damage!

[00:25:51] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 187 (-84) damage!

[00:25:54] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 159 (-72) damage!

[00:25:58] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 173 (-78) damage!

[00:26:00] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:26:05] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:26:07] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:26:07] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:26:08] Trost was just killed by a Guardian!

[00:26:09] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:26:11] You stand up.

[00:26:11] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:26:11] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 163 (-73) damage!

[00:26:15] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 200 (-90) damage!

[00:26:19] You miss!

[00:26:23] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 165 (-74) damage!

[00:26:27] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:26:30] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 159 (-71) damage!

[00:26:34] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:26:38] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 169 (-76) damage!

[00:26:42] You miss!

[00:26:45] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 192 (-86) damage!

[00:26:49] You miss!

[00:26:53] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 214 (-96) damage!

[00:26:57] You miss!

[00:27:01] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 197 (-89) damage!

[00:27:02] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:27:08] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:27:12] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:27:14] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:27:20] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:27:20] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:27:22] You stand up.

[00:27:22] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:27:22] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 191 (-86) damage!

[00:27:25] You miss!

[00:27:29] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 211 (-95) damage!

[00:27:29] You critical hit for an additional 69 damage!

[00:27:33] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 205 (-92) damage!

[00:27:37] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 178 (-80) damage!

[00:27:41] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 216 (-97) damage!

[00:27:41] You critical hit for an additional 86 damage!

[00:27:45] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 176 (-79) damage!

[00:27:46] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:27:49] You wave at everyone.

[00:27:52] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:27:54] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:27:54] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:27:55] Fvenn waves to you.

[00:28:02] You target [Weppen]

[00:28:02] You examine Weppen.He is a member of the Shaman class in your realm.

[00:28:13] You stand up.

[00:28:13] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:28:13] You miss!

[00:28:17] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 212 (-95) damage!

[00:28:21] You miss!

[00:28:25] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 205 (-92) damage!

[00:28:29] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 162 (-73) damage!

[00:28:29] You critical hit for an additional 21 damage!

[00:28:33] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 164 (-74) damage!

[00:28:37] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 196 (-88) damage!

[00:28:39] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:28:44] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:28:47] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:28:47] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:29:15] You stand up.

[00:29:17] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:29:17] You miss!

[00:29:21] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 162 (-73) damage!

[00:29:24] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 197 (-89) damage!

[00:29:28] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:29:32] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:29:36] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 205 (-92) damage!

[00:29:40] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 166 (-74) damage!

[00:29:43] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:29:47] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 180 (-81) damage!

[00:29:47] You critical hit for an additional 64 damage!

[00:29:51] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 168 (-76) damage!

[00:29:55] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 164 (-74) damage!

[00:29:56] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:30:02] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:30:04] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:30:04] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:30:32] You stand up.

[00:30:32] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:30:32] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 172 (-77) damage!

[00:30:36] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 174 (-78) damage!

[00:30:40] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 181 (-81) damage!

[00:30:43] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:30:47] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 210 (-94) damage!

[00:30:51] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 188 (-84) damage!

[00:30:54] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 180 (-81) damage!

[00:30:58] You miss!

[00:31:02] You miss!

[00:31:06] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 201 (-90) damage!

[00:31:06] You critical hit for an additional 98 damage!

[00:31:07] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:31:13] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:31:18] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:31:21] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:31:21] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:31:34] You stand up.

[00:31:34] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:31:34] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 186 (-84) damage!

[00:31:38] Weppen blocks your attack!

[00:31:42] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 172 (-77) damage!

[00:31:45] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 161 (-72) damage!

[00:31:45] You critical hit for an additional 72 damage!

[00:31:47] Your character has been saved.

[00:31:49] You miss!

[00:31:53] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 175 (-79) damage!

[00:31:57] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 204 (-92) damage!

[00:32:01] You miss!

[00:32:04] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 184 (-82) damage!

[00:32:08] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 168 (-76) damage!

[00:32:12] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 197 (-89) damage!

[00:32:16] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 158 (-71) damage!

[00:32:17] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:32:19] The forces of Hibernia have captured Caer Erasleigh!

[00:32:19] The forces of Hibernia have captured Caer Erasleigh!

[00:32:19] The forces of Hibernia have captured Caer Erasleigh!

[00:32:19] The forces of Hibernia have captured Caer Erasleigh!

[00:32:19] The forces of Hibernia have captured Caer Erasleigh!

[00:32:19] The forces of Hibernia have captured Caer Erasleigh!

[00:32:19] The forces of Hibernia have captured Caer Erasleigh!

[00:32:22] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:32:25] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:32:29] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:32:29] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:32:30] Weppen casts a spell!


*** Chat Log Closed: Tue Jun 03 00:32:33 2003


Damage Caps


*** Chat Log Opened: Tue Jun 03 00:40:01 2003


[00:40:06] @@You say, "Doing damage caps now"

[00:40:17] @@You say, "btw forgot earlier but Wep has 25% slash"

[00:40:21] @@You say, "0AF tests now"

[00:40:40] You stand up.

[00:40:40] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:40:40] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 210 (-624) damage!

[00:40:43] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 210 (-651) damage!

[00:40:44] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:40:47] The magic of the Gazsi's Bearded Axe flows through you.

[00:40:47] You sheathe the Troll's Fury Hammer from your right hand.

[00:40:47] Your hits have decreased.

[00:40:47] Your Hammer skill has decreased.

[00:40:47] Your Body resistance has decreased.

[00:40:47] Your Energy resistance has decreased.

[00:40:47] You wield the Gazsi's Bearded Axe in your right hand.

[00:40:47] Your hits have increased.

[00:40:47] Your Cold resistance increased.

[00:40:47] Your Spirit resistance increased.

[00:40:49] You stand up.

[00:40:49] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:40:49] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 118 (-136) damage!

[00:40:51] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 118 (-162) damage!

[00:40:51] You critical hit for an additional 56 damage!

[00:40:53] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 118 (-206) damage!

[00:40:54] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:40:57] The magic of the Troll's Fury Hammer flows through you.

[00:40:57] You sheathe the Gazsi's Bearded Axe from your right hand.

[00:40:57] Your hits have decreased.

[00:40:57] Your Cold resistance has decreased.

[00:40:57] Your Spirit resistance has decreased.

[00:40:57] You wield the Troll's Fury Hammer in your right hand.

[00:40:57] Your hits have increased.

[00:40:57] Your Hammer skill has increased.

[00:40:57] Your Body resistance increased.

[00:40:57] Your Energy resistance increased.

[00:40:59] The magic of the Gazsi's Bearded Axe flows through you.

[00:40:59] You wield the Gazsi's Bearded Axe in your left hand.

[00:40:59] Your hits have increased.

[00:40:59] Your Cold resistance increased.

[00:40:59] Your Spirit resistance increased.

[00:41:01] You stand up.

[00:41:01] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:41:01] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 169 (-417) damage!

[00:41:01] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 95 (-226) damage!

[00:41:04] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 169 (-513) damage!

[00:41:04] You critical hit for an additional 32 damage!

[00:41:04] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 95 (-180) damage!

[00:41:05] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:41:10] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:41:13] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:41:15] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:41:15] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:41:17] The magic of the Troll's Fist Great Hammer flows through you.

[00:41:17] The magic of the Troll's Fist Great Hammer flows through you.

[00:41:17] You sheathe the Troll's Fury Hammer from your right hand.

[00:41:17] Your hits have decreased.

[00:41:17] Your Hammer skill has decreased.

[00:41:17] Your Body resistance has decreased.

[00:41:17] Your Energy resistance has decreased.

[00:41:17] You wield the Troll's Fist Great Hammer in both hands.

[00:41:17] Your hits have decreased.

[00:41:17] Your Hammer skill has increased.

[00:41:17] Your Crush resistance increased.

[00:41:17] Your Cold resistance has decreased.

[00:41:17] Your Body resistance increased.

[00:41:17] Your Spirit resistance has decreased.

[00:41:21] You stand up.

[00:41:21] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:41:21] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 395 (-997) damage!

[00:41:25] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 395 (-1145) damage!

[00:41:26] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:41:31] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:41:34] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:41:34] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:41:40] You stand up.

[00:41:40] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:41:40] You prepare to perform a Provoke!

[00:41:40] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+1874)

[00:41:40] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 524 (-1754) damage!

[00:41:41] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:41:50] Your character has been saved.

[00:41:55] You stand up.

[00:41:55] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:41:55] You prepare to perform a Provoke!

[00:41:56] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+1852)

[00:41:56] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 524 (-1733) damage!

[00:41:56] You critical hit for an additional 230 damage!

[00:41:57] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:42:04] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:42:04] Weppen starts healing faster.

[00:42:10] The magic of the Troll's Fury Hammer flows through you.

[00:42:10] The magic of the Troll's Fury Hammer flows through you.

[00:42:10] You sheathe the Troll's Fist Great Hammer.Both hands are now free.

[00:42:10] Your Hammer skill has decreased.

[00:42:10] Your Crush resistance has decreased.

[00:42:10] Your Body resistance has decreased.

[00:42:10] You wield the Troll's Fury Hammer in your right hand.

[00:42:10] Your hits have increased.

[00:42:10] Your Hammer skill has increased.

[00:42:10] Your Body resistance increased.

[00:42:10] Your Energy resistance increased.

[00:42:10] You wield the Gazsi's Bearded Axe in your left hand.

[00:42:10] Your hits have increased.

[00:42:10] Your Cold resistance increased.

[00:42:10] Your Spirit resistance increased.

[00:42:31] You stand up.

[00:42:31] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:42:31] You prepare to perform a Provoke!

[00:42:32] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+1169)

[00:42:32] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 267 (-732) damage!

[00:42:32] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 95 (-182) damage!

[00:42:33] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:42:38] Weppen casts a spell!

[00:42:41] You stand up.

[00:42:41] You enter combat mode and target [Weppen]

[00:42:41] You prepare to perform a Provoke!

[00:42:41] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+1295)

[00:42:41] You attack Weppen with your hammer and hit for 267 (-811) damage!

[00:42:41] You attack Weppen with your axe and hit for 95 (-226) damage!

[00:42:41] You critical hit for an additional 15 damage!

[00:42:43] You sit down.Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

[00:42:47] You stand up.


*** Chat Log Closed: Tue Jun 03 00:42:50 2003


*** Chat Log Opened: Tue Jun 03 00:43:22 2003


[00:43:29] @@You say, "Gave 2H hammer to wep to test base damage cap"

[00:43:32] Weppen attacks you with his hammer!

[00:43:32] You are hit for 383 damage.

[00:43:36] Weppen attacks you with his hammer!

[00:43:36] You are hit for 284 damage.

[00:43:40] Weppen attacks you with his hammer!

[00:43:40] You are hit for 284 damage.

[00:43:44] Weppen attacks you with his hammer!

[00:43:44] You are hit for 284 damage.


*** Chat Log Closed: Tue Jun 03 00:43:49 2003