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      view article 2003/06/03  
         name          Rednim
subject [DAOC] 이것이 바로 1.62의 LA!!

-_- 해석 plz
Rednim 2003/06/03   

Patch Tomorrow
from Sanya Thomas
2003-06-02 14:02:07

Happy Monday, everybody. The plan is to take the servers down at 8:00 AM EDT to bring 1.62 live. We expect the servers to return by 10 AM or earlier.

The /Level List
from Sanya Thomas
2003-06-02 17:30:47

From the 1.62 patch notes - Dark Age of Camelot will support "creating new mid-level (20th level) characters for those players who have attained 50th level on any character on any server. In addition, we've flagged certain Realms on some servers as "underpopulated" - on those Realms, if you are eligible to use the /level command, you'll be able to create a new 30th level character."

From VN board

BAH, the enchanters logs were too big and....
it does not show any information on pet damage :P
Anyway, I just trying to show everyone in Midgard how bad tomorrow is going to be.
BTW, that Warden won the duel with me.
rr3 Warden > rr7 Zerker
He stoped before I died so we could test some more. He is on Hib Perc, if you want to ask them.

2 things here that show me it is not an even fight as you have implied.
1. I am rr7 and he is rr 3.
2. I am a true tank on a tank's damage table that is spec'd 50 weapon. He is a Naturalist (healing class) on a lower damage table and not spec'd 50 weapon.
TBH, I am not sure what I am going to do now. This will kill Midgard as a realm. I guess we may get "lucky" and get a new "/level 50" feature with 3 plat to get people to play that realm.

New LA growth rate
Style Name 1.61 1.62c Damage Reduced
--------------- ----- ----- --------------
Counter Slash | 0.064 | 0.04 | 37.50%
Doubler | 1.208 | 0.615 | 49.09%
Ravager | 0.696 | 0.359 | 48.42%
Polar Light | 1.76 | 0.898 | 48.98%
Snowblind | 1.172 | 0.602 | 48.63%
Atrophy | 1.284 | 0.673 | 47.59%
Frost Shadow | 1.805 | 0.947 | 47.53%
Comeback | 1.769 | 0.934 | 47.20%
Scathing Blade | 1.872 | 1.006 | 46.26%
Decaying Rage | 1.76 | 0.947 | 46.19%
Snowsquall | 1.558 | 0.871 | 44.09%
Doublefrost | 1.262 | 0.727 | 42.39%
Frosty Gaze | 1.787 | 1.006 | 43.70%
Icy Brilliance | 1.787 | 1.019 | 42.98%
Aurora Borealis | 1.805 | 1.046 | 42.05%

*** Need to be corrected: In 1.62d they increased snowsquall, icy brilliance, and aurora borealis. Their growth rates should be fairly close to .939, 1.11, and 1.15 respectivly. Other than that, the above list is pretty much correct.

Now, is everybody happy with a zerker that lose duels with a warden? -_-

Rednim 2003/06/03   

출처 : 다옥게시판에 jinos 님이 쓰신 게시물

Rednim 2003/06/03   

가장 눈에 뛰는 문구

Zerker>Merc>BM (now)

Merc>BM>Zerker (tomorrow)

sit -_-

St.Sleep 2003/06/03   

-_- 저커 LA스타일 그로스레이트가 위에 써진 %비율대로 깎였다는거고요. 7랭 버석이 3랭 와든과 듀얼해서 젔다는 내용입니다. LA스타일의 그로스레이트는 여전히 타렐름 듀얼웨포너들의 스타일 그로스레이트보다 20%정도 높습니다만 ... 왼손발동확률버그를 만회할 수준이 될지는 의문입니다 --;

St.Sleep 2003/06/03   

아 정말 저 그로스레이트대로 패치하나요 ... 미씩 정말 넘하네 ...;

Rednim 2003/06/03   

요즘엔 크랩갑에 레지가 맥스라 16.5 99퀄 힘 220 맥스로 쳐도

암스한테 180~190 나오던데 -_- 패치되면.. 패치되면.. 150?? 145? -_-

죽어라 미씩 흙흙

Cacao 2003/06/04   

-_-;;; 전직 와든이었던 저로서는;;;;;

와든이 양손 클레스를 이긴다라 -_-;;; 사기얏!!

lllGrandmasterylll 2003/06/05   

지금도 rr5넘으면 곰변신안하면 버석이나 머셔나 블마나 비슷비슷한데..-_-
rr5넘고 ra좀박으면 60%대왼손확률이 90%대로터지는-_-남모를 버그...
동시패치면 모를까...la만 너프라는거자체가-_-;미드죽이기죠
ra빼고붙으면 세인이 젤 세죠...ip빨기시작하면...-_-밀리지만특히 팰리의 100%풀힐 2개..
rr7버석이 rr3와든한테진건 -_-;;너무하는듯

지금 200나오는게 패치되면 120 나오겠죠

50웨폰 50패리 버석-_-고
스칼드처럼 2핸 뺴들고살죠

Rednim 2003/06/05   

Date Posted: 9:11am Subject: RE: Reality: RvR For Zerks Post 1.62
In responding to a relic raid on Mjollnir last night, myself and a skald ran up on Solo Necro in Uppland. The two of us laid into the Necros Abomination and about halfway thru its life bar, the skald LD'd, leaving me alone.

I was hitting the pet for 89 mainhand, 21 offhand with an mp dbl bladed axe and mp hand axe.

The necro, in return, was hitting me for 350 to 463.

I went through IP and died easily.

Im 6L8, with effectively 66 axe 66 LA 43 parry.

Brego Bonebasher 6L7 Dwarf Berserker (DAOC) Fist of the North <Percival>
Breggi 43 - RM / Breggy 18 Savage ter /Doranin 22 Skald / Breigo 17 SB
Midgard and hibernia defend their frontiers....but Albions frontier is here on the Vault.

Rednim 2003/06/05   

굿 바이 LA -_-

Rednim 2003/06/08   

테스트섭에서 40% 였던게

라이브섭에선 10%~20% 정도 밖에 안떨어졋다고 애기하네요 -_-


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