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Faboo Friday Grab Bag
Posted By: Sanya Thomas2002-03-01 19:09:41
What, you thought I'd leave the office without putting this puppy up?

(Edit Saturday AM - left out a question /blush)

Q: My class doesn't get (insert skill here), but I can't do (insert style here) without it! When will that be fixed?

A: We've gone over all the styles, and all the classes have all the skills they are supposed to have. So, if your class doesn't get the skill, you won't get the style. Sorry for the confusion - some of the lists out there are general lists for groups of classes, and there may be exceptions where one of the classes in the group doesn't get a particular style.

Q: Why are there no Camelot Herald features (realm wars, guild status, etc) for the European servers?

A: When we became partners with GOA, one of the things they requested as part of the deal was the right to set up such features for the European servers. They have talked to Mark, and they have many exciting plans for the European community. I know our players overseas don’t want to hear “patience” any more than our players here do, but we here in the US didn’t get the Herald up until November, and many of the features y’all are requesting didn’t come in until even later. So hang on, and in the meanwhile, send feedback about the features you want to GOA, not to me – here in the US we don’t even have direct access to the databases in Europe that would allow us to set up the pages we have for US servers.

Q: When will you have a server in (insert country here)?

A: You guys get information about our new countries as soon as we do, so if you’ve heard nothing, there’s nothing settled. If you can’t wait for your fix, there’s always the “import a US copy” option ;)

Q: Where are the 9th and 10th material types?

A: Here at Mythic everyone wears two hats. You may have noticed a lot of network issues in the past few days. This was not good for the new trade materials, because of the network guys is also the head trade designer. This is why we try not to promise specific dates, because stuff like this tends to happen. Hopefully the network issues are now resolved…. Knock on wood….

Q: Is there a faster way to set up pet command hotkeys?

A: All the buttons in the pet window are hotkeyable. Unfortunately, except for the attack function, they at this time all have the same icon. This is something we intend to fix in the near future.

Q: I am extremely frustrated – my bolt spells seem like they are always blocked by melee, and rarely land on a creature that was pulled with a bow. How do these work, in terms of chances to hit?

A: Well, part of this is a bug – the blocked message should say your target is in combat, not blocked by melee. When the game checks to see if a bolt has landed, it subtracts one from the total number of attackers as part of the formula – that one is you. So when you’re soloing, the bolt always lands. When you are grouped, the chances of landing a bolt decrease for each person attacking the monster. If the pulling archer lands a crit on the target, your bolt won’t hit. This is the way it currently is supposed to work. If you want to debate the point, the phrase of the week is TAKING EXCEPTION TO BOLTS. (If you are new to these grab bags, let me explain – each week I solicit feedback on one or more topics, and provide a phrase that should be put into the subject header of email and board threads, to help me search for that feedback.)

Q: My (insert class here)’s primary statistic is X – I really think it should be Y. Can you help?

A: Unfortunately, no. I have been told there is no way to switch the primary, secondary, and tertiary stats around without seriously causing problems at this time, and perhaps forever. In cases where the evolution of a class seems to indicate more emphasis on a secondary stat, we look for other solutions (gear, spell buff lines, etc).

Q: Why is evade an ability that rises with level, as opposed to parry and shield which require points? All three are defensive maneuvers.

A: Well, I don’t have a complete answer for you – but part of the answer is the placement of the element in the formula. (Refresher course from earlier this month – the order of resolution in combat is hit/miss, evade, parry, block.) Those elements are in descending order, more or less. Evade is a bigger part of each formula than the others, and each level of evade can be likened to a major improvement in armor class (in terms of damage taken). So while wide variations in the smaller elements like parry or block (within characters of the same level range) are acceptable in terms of game balance, the different levels of evade are relatively HUGE, and thus are doled out over the course of levels.

All righty, y'all be safe, and have a good weekend. See you in the frontiers >:)


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